Different sized implants?? Started by: Lucy

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  • Lucy 16

    Hoping to hear from anyone in a similar situation (photos would be appreciated ) –

    My surgery is booked for 24th July, I have been told not to expect symetrical breasts…. Having high profile overs 375cc right and 425cc left.


    Lara 2

    Hi Lucy, I’m 1 day post op (not with MYA) and I’ve had different sized implants. 325 in my right and 280 in my left, high profile. My surgeon tried 300 in the left at first but said it looked uneven so he swapped to 280. Couldn’t be happier with the result. Photo attached but only 1day po so long way to go yet!

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by Lara 2.
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    leanne 19

    can i ask which surgeon?

    Lucy 16

    Wow Lara your results look great!! I’m also having a sizer during surgery so can be trialled with 375 and 425 and 400 and 425 to see what looks best! Hoping he can help, I’m just concerned as my nipples are still quite level despite my asymmetry and don’t want them to be pointing different ways haha!

    Hi Lara, My surgeon is Dr Tsekouras x

    Lara 2

    Thanks Lucy! I’m not familiar with sizers, but I do know that my surgeon tried different implants during the surgery. We’d agreed 325 for my right but left it open so that he could decide during the operation what I needed on the left to match. He originally put a 300 in my left but chose to remove it and replace with the 280. I also had a modified mastopexy so my nipples were reduced too (not sure if that probably helped with their positioning). Best of luck! Hope you get the results you’re after x

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