Different sizes on each side??? x Started by: sara

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  • sara

    Has anyone had to have differnt sizes either side? or am i the only really abnormal one! haha Saw surgeon yesterday, having 380 one side and 410 the other which should bring me out at about a d, which i will be happy with. Just hope they look alot more even than what they do now!

    Have been penciled in for the 23rd sep, actually cant beleive i’m really gonna be havin it done!!! x x


    Hi Sara,
    I had the same 380 in one and 410 in the other ,the surgon said it will take about six months to settle and look the same size ,but they are fine and i am happy with them .There is not much difference beween the two sizes i was a 32 b before and i am now 32e i had my op six weeks ago and i am sooooooooooo happy with them ,i have a little rippling but i can live with that.

    hope this helps kerry


    Arr thats good, thank you, was a little worried about it. Who did you have? Is the rippling bad or not? Did you have overs aswell? I’m so nervous already and its 5 weeks away yet, but excited aswell! x x


    I had Mr Traynor and he is fantastic ,the rippling is not bad and you can feel it at the side but you carnt see it and too be honest i think most girls get at least a little rippling but my new boobs are 90% better then before as i had loose skin due to weight lose and that has gone now.The ba experiance was not what you would expect mine was pain free and i would do it all again .I had high profile parciel unders .

    You will be fine if you listen to the advice the surgon /nurse give you take it easy after op ,and eat breakfast the moarning of op as you could be the last one down to theatre and you will be starving xx


    Arr thank you for the adviced and info ;) so great bein able to get info etc on here, love this site!! haha x x

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