Disappointed with size Started by: Ashleigh

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  • Ashleigh 3

    Had my boobs done yesterday I was 34b and had 500 and 550 put in as I was one boob bigger then the other. I feel like they aren’t even that big and now I’m panicking. Did anyone else feel like that? Is it part of healing process? Is it because I still have sports bra on and band? Please help


    Hi it’s the healing I had 375 and 400 and I was 32b now 32f u won’t know your size till u get to atleast 6months po I’m now 2years and still 32f so u should be bigger than me as u have bigger implants hope that helps x

    Georgia 19

    I had my boobs done on 5th August I had 300 under the muscle and was a 32a still haven’t been measured yet but I am also the same ! Now the swelling has gone down I have boob greed and feel like I expected them a little bit bigger!

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