Discharge time Started by: Amanda

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  • Amanda 15

    Hi all is anyone able to guide my on their discharge times. I know everyone is different etc, I’m having mastopexy with implants and staying in overnight. However I live a 2 hour drive away (minimum) from the clinic and three children to sort out….logistics!!

    Bee 42

    I had my surgery in March, and also stayed overnight. Not sure whether it was because of COVID, however, I was up around 6/7am, had breakfast, and left before 9am. They are pretty keen to get you out, of course providing that you are feeling alright, have had your medication etc. Everyone is so lovely and you don’t feel rushed, but I’m pretty sure they would sort of ask you to leave if you were still around by 10am, hope that helps x

    Amanda 15

    Hi Bee, thanks that’s a great help. How was your recovery?

    Bee 42

    You’re welcome 🙂

    It was tough but not as tough as I expected after reading other people’s stories but of course every body is different. For me the constipation was the worst, sorry for TMI, but I drank loads of water, kept a good diet and tried to stay active everyday. Also hard to refrain from driving from up to two weeks. But it all went so quickly, and the aftercare was great so pleased with that. Best advice is to prep meals unless you have someone to cook for you and have the appropriate clothing – button up clothes are a life saver 😂 Good luck!!!!

    Amanda 15

    I just got my admission time email eeek! It’s all becoming real! In that it says discharge is around 10 am but can vary. I’m expecting the worst for the recovery. My husband is on hand for meal preparation.
    I have some button up clothes and zip up hoodies.

    Thank you, it’s all becoming real!!! X

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