Dissatisfied after surgery?? Started by: Sophieb

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  • Sophieb -22

    Hi ladies I have my breast enlargement yesterday (not with mya). We agreed on 335cc however when he came round to draw pen on when he had a good feel of breast tissue he said he may struggle so might have to be 325cc. Before surgery I was a very flat A. I am so grateful I now have boobs but do feel a little small. I think I got over muscle (what we agreed on my consultation before surgery) however things might of changed while in surgery for my little breast tissue. I have a post op check Friday so will find out more when I have a good talk with my surgeon. Has any ladies felt like this? And do they get a little bigger as recovering? Thankyou

    • This topic was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by Sophieb -22.
    Rachggg 2

    when I came out of surgery I looked down and thought they were tiny! the next day I thought “omg what have I done ” they were huge. days later they change in size and end up different shapes and levels so it honestly depends on the days personally. I think people can be so critical of their own body and end up getting used to what they see, I would ask a family member for a full honest opinion as its hard to tell! don’t be so hard on urself either , im one week post op and im only just starting to feeling a bit better mentally

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