Dissolvable stitches ?? :S Started by: HayH

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  • HayH 28

    Had my steri strips off my stitches yesterday so now have nothing over scars, I still have a thread coming from the stitching that I’ve only just seen but I had dissolvable stitching, anyone else had this? It’s making me feel ill x

    Rebekah 174

    Yeah I had this and it just fell off over time don’t worry 🙂 I panicked too I went to see one of the nurses I work with and when she brushed over my stitch with he hand it fell off ! It feels like fishing wire doesn’t it so corse xxx

    HayH 28

    Thank you Rebeka, how long did it take after it came off? Makes me feel ill I darent touch it I can barely look at my scars I’m not good with all that, makes me feel faint. Good to know though hun, thank you xx

    Rebekah 174

    I think it was a couple of weeks I even went back to see if the nurse could trim them but it was so short she couldn’t ! I know it’s not a nice feeling at all is it xxxx

    HayH 28

    Oh, mines 3 weeks tomorrow but only had the strips off for a day xx

    Heidi 217

    I didn’t have dissolvable stitches i had real ones but when i had them taken out one has always been sore, red and sticting out, when i went back the nurse cut it down as far as she could but i could still feel the end of it all the time:/ i started using bio oil on my scars and eventually the skin just grew over the tiny point and now looks&feels completely normal xx


    @hayleylhass I had that … Both sides but they go don’t worry

    HayH 28

    Thanks Zoe, how’s long did they take to go? Proper freaking me out xx

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