Do I need an uplift? Started by: Sam

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  • Sam 5

    I have currently have 12 year old 340cc unders. I’m booked to have 500cc high profile unders on Tuesday but the surgeon has advised that I may also need a lift at a at a later date. What do you guys think? Anyone been in a similar situation?

    Sam 5

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    • This reply was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by Sam 5.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by Sam 5.
    Sam 5


    Koral 42

    I would say you do … have you considered a areola donut lift iv had this instead of the full scar lift and I don’t see why the full monty exists and it’s much cheaper and just a scar around the nipple which blends to nothing mine was only 1k more so so worth it x

    Sam 5

    He said that if I had both at the same time he’d want to do the full lift but I might get away with the donut if I wait till after the implants x

    Koral 42

    I think your get away with the donut and bigger implants just fine … for the extra cost I could’ve inagine not doing the donut lift honest my after with 775cc would be atrocious if I didn’t get the donut lift… now there perfect … I dunno what I’m saying just as your there seems a shame to not x

    Sam 5

    I can’t have it done at the same time. He said my skin doesn’t have enough stretch so it has to be 2 ops. Unless I stayed the same size but I defiantly want bigger haha



    I had my op on 4th April so I’m now 4DPO. I was told I would need a lift as my boobs lost volume and had loose skin from pregnancy and breast feeding ! I went ahead without the lift as I didn’t want the scarring but he did say I would need it at a later date! I had 495cc overs and I’m really please with the outcome so far x

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