DO I NEED AN UPLIFT? Started by: Mollie

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  • Mollie 1

    Hi girls!
    I’ve seen 2 different surgeons now, both saying 2 different things.
    The first saying I need an uplift with implant and the second saying I don’t need the uplift just an implant (355cc in one & 375cc in the other as one is slightly smaller).
    Could I ask all of your opinions and please be honest!!! I would obviously rather just an implant as it’s less scarring and a lot m mone but if it is needed then i understand!
    Thank you !! Xx

    Mollie 1

    Here is a picture – I’ve had 2 children. Youngest being 2 and was breastfed!

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    I was told that I need an uplift by one but had 3 other consultations since where I’ve been told I don’t. Have you had a go at measuring yourself? Xx


    I had three consultations. The first telling me I was boarderline and it was my choice to have a uplift and the other two didn’t even mention anything about a uplift and said I’m a regular implant ba case x


    Maybe get a third and a fourth opinion. I found a surgeon who had done a lot of breast similar to mine and I’m confident in his work. So I chose implant only. If another surgeon had said about the uplift I would of looked more into that nipple lifts ect xx

    sammy 9

    I think it depends on what look you want to achieve 2bh. If it’s just fuller breasts then just go with the BA if you want them uplifted then I’d go with the M/BA procedure. X

    Leah 10

    Hello I went for a full uplift (anchor scar) with implant. I only saw one surgeon and trusted his word… I had a lot of loose excess skin round my breast stretch marks was the most evidence of this. I was told if I went for implant only the results would look great for 2/3 year but then due to having loose skin and the weight of the implant they would soon start to sag so was urged to go for uplift to achieve the best result. I was worried about the scarring however I’m 7 month PO and the scars are barely noticeable 🙂 given a couple more months I would say they wouldn’t be at all noticeable. Uplift and implant is a bit more expensive but I would rather pay out in the first instance than have them back sagging after a couple of years.
    I would definitely say if your unsure on the decision of the surgeon ask to have a couple more opinions then make your mind up x

    Samantha 5

    I’d say no! But get more advice see some more surgeons x


    Mollie I had really similar to you before my op & ended up getting away with just implants no uplift. Do feel free to add & PM me if you want any more info as I had this same dilemma x

    Melissa 1

    Have you had any more advice? I look very similar to you, I had a consultation over the internet with a different company and was told I’d need an uplift and implants. Absolutely devastated tbh, I really don’t want the extra scarring. X

    Mollie 1

    Hi Melissa!
    I’ve gone with the surgeon that said I wouldn’t need an uplift just an implant. He explained to me that when I have them replaced later down the line (around 10 years) that I will need to have the uplift.
    Try and have a few more consultations so that you can have a few opinions.
    I totally get how your feeling about the uplift because of the different scarring but Ive been reading up and it the scarring really really fades xxx

    Mollie 1

    Thank you everyone for your replies!! It has been really helpful xxx

    Carly 1

    mine look very similar, I’ve just had a video consultation with a surgeon from a different company and was told I defo need an uplift- even suggested an uplift without implants…. If I didn’t feel self conscious before 😩

    I’ve got my mya consultation in a couple of weeks so hoping he doesn’t think the same.


    Girls could anyone advise wgeatger they think i need a unplift aswell as implant


    I have just been advised by transform I would neee an uplift and enlargement, I really just wanted implants to be honest, I was quoted £8000! I have my consultation this weekend with MYA, I would love to be able to just have implants but I have a feeling I will be told I need and uplift too :/ but I am now worried that as I’ve been told my boobs would sag and my nipples wouldn’t look right, that I would need the uplift as well as the implant 😫xxx

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