Do I need an uplift as well as implants? Started by: Deb

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  • Deb

    Hi. I’m new to the forum so just finding my way around slowly.
    I recently had a consultation with a different clinic who told me he would not operate on me as he does not know what he can do for me.
    I had implants 21 years ago and have had a child since who is now 17. I’m at a point where I think it’s time to update them for health reasons and because they now appear saggy and appear more like saggy natural breasts as opposed to implants.

    I had an econsulation yesterday with Mya and from the answers to my questions the lady believes I will need an uplift also.

    I have attached a couple of pictures of what my breasts look like now and would really appreciate if someone who has a similar story to me could advise on whether they they I would need an uplift

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