Do I need to take anything Started by: Emily

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  • Emily

    Hi girls is there anything I need to take with me in the morning apart from my hospital bag ? Xx


    No babe I don’t think so, all I took was my phone and charger a vest top button up pjs and my father 🙂 xx good luck too 🙂 xx


    I took some pop and munchies for afterwards, Even though at highgate you can get food – I literally cracked my can of coke open as soon as I was wheeled into the room, Oh and chewing gum and (I went home in my pj’s with my daughters spare (Minnie mouse) duvet and slippers)
    I personally couldn’t get a onesie on for the first few days so was grateful I also took the button up Pj’s – Good Luck sweetie xxxxxxxxx

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