Do these look normal? Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    Hi I had my ba on 6/11/18 so it’s now post op day 4.
    Was just wondering if these look how they should? They feel like they are gonna fall off me! Quite pointy,I don’t really have any pain except some uncomfortable feeling on the swollen incision sites.
    Feel like absolute crap though!!
    I had 410 round overs.

    Steph 31

    I’m just a day ahead of you and look pretty much the same.
    Do your nipples feel funny lol very sensitive.
    I’ve bruised so much i don’t knw whether to ne worried but then again i do bruise very easily.
    Your boobs look fab by the way they will be changing so much day to day take pics weekly and put them together then you cam see the change xx

    Steph 31

    Mine at 5 days post op.
    I had 285cc under the muscle high profile x

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    Hi Steph,your’s look amazing!!!
    I can barely feel my nipples or some areas of my breast at the min.
    I also bruise easily and my surgeon said i had a lot of blood vessels on the surface,I also keloid scar so I’m already starting to panic about how I’m gonna heal there.
    I know it’s going to take yours a little longer to settle because you’ve gone under? How are you feeling in yourself? X

    Amy Hope 7

    They look absolutely fine, look better than mine did at that stage! Xx

    Michelle 4

    Hi I’m also day 4po and my boobs are like bowling balls still in alot of pain they look just like yours Bianca but I have no bruising at the minute Il try and upload a pic later on hope everyone feels better soon xx


    Thanks Amy x

    Michelle it’s so weird,I feel like they are on a drop off at any minute hahah.
    Unfortunately my skin doesn’t usually heal that well after ops so I’m prepared with silicone sheets and cream to use in a couple of weeks time.
    I know it’s so early on but I just can’t wait for them to feel part of my body ????.
    Also I know unders drop and fluff but does anybody know if overs do anything similar? Thanks girls X

    Jen 7

    All normal girls I was the same
    I had super feeling on one nipple and nothing on the other although that’s slowing coming back now
    I’ve read there is so many different changes over time
    I’m 2weeks today and still loving then xx

    Chloe Spinola -1

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    Mine 2 days post op. Really stiff and my armpits and sides of rib cage are so sore. Getting really impatient just want them to settle lol

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 3 months ago by Chloe Spinola -1.

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