Do your boobs look different in pictures than real life ? Started by: jenkins5611

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    It’s been nearly 5 weeks since I had my pips replaced and I’ve been keeping a picture diary to see how they change, now when I’m looking at them in the mirror they look fine same shape and size etc but when I take a photo my left one looks a completely different shape and size, has anyone else had this ?


    I’m also 5 weeks and I have exactly the same, I’ve even stopped takn photos as I got so upset that they looked weird in the photos! Your not alone on this one x


    Yes! My boobs didn’t portray anything of my problems until recently, but even now it doesn’t show them as bad xx


    Oh thank gawd its not just me, hopefully it’s just where they are settling in, I haven’t taken any pictures for the last few days either as it was upsetting me, I’ve got an appointment in a couple of weeks with my surgeon for a check up so if it hasn’t changesd I’ll ask if it is normal x


    god yes….mine look more wonky on photos and also bigger than what they are….stupid cameras! xx


    yes me too i do have problems with mine but they look absoloutly hurrendous on pictures but not bad wen i look in mirror well not as bad as the piks anyway xx


    yes me too i do have problems with mine but they look absoloutly hurrendous on pictures but not bad wen i look in mirror well not as bad as the piks anyway xx


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    • This reply was modified 1 year, 2 months ago by monnet.

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    It’s common for boobs to look different in pictures than in real life due to angles, lighting, and camera effects. For those looking to feel more confident, check out this blog post with reverse cowgirl tips to enhance your poses and angles!


    Ensure that each photo is taken from the same angle, with the same lighting, and preferably at the same time of day. This can help minimize variations caused by external factors. geometry dash

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