Doctor Giannas NOT Andreas Giannitrapani RhinoPlasty Review Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    Hi everyone,
    I’m currently 2 1/2 weeks post op. I had a closed rhinoplasty with Doctor Giannas.
    I struggled to find many reviews on his rhinoplastys on the internet and on social media, so I thought I’d leave one on here!

    I first met with Mr Giannas in November. I found him to be very warm and informative. He was very straight foreword and upfront about what results I could expect. I met with him again before the surgery and again he was very calming and supportive.
    I really struggled to find any reviews on Dr Giannas and was confused between him and doctor Giannitrapani, turns out I was researching the wrong surgeon And didn’t didn’t realise until I found doctor Giannitrapanis instgram and realised that wasn’t the surgeon I’d met with ????????.
    He doesn’t seem to have social media and all his reviews on here are mostly for boob jobs.

    On the morning of my surgery he came in to see me and made me feel very relaxed, he even made a few jokes and really lighten the mood.
    When I went down for surgery, he continued to reassure me.
    I was in surgery for a little longer than expected. Around 2/3, hours. He told me that he liked to take his time and be gentle which I’d much prefer.
    After the surgery my pain was non, just dry mouth. Again he came to see me and explained how everything had gone. And the following morning he came to see me at 8 am to check on me once more.

    My recovery has been amazing, I barely bruised. I swelled up for a few days and went abit yellow, but other than that it was fine. By the time my cast came off I had no bruising at all!
    Since my cast has been off my swelling has been amazing. I can see my nose changing slightly but nothing too dramatic.
    Overall Doctor Giannas has been amazing . Very gentle which has shown in my recovered. My nose is amazing . I love it so much!!! I wish I did it years ago!!


    Thank you for writing this, I’m hoping to have my surgery with him too, and I’ve also been struggling to find patient reviews! I’m so glad that he’s as good as I was told he’d be!


    Hey I have a closed rhino booked with him for next Sunday and feeling really anxious about it all, could you show before and after pictures? Also any advice you would give me for when I go? I’m really happy you’ve put this post because I haven’t found anything on him online but in person he made me feel very positive about it all,
    Thanks in advance x


    I had mine with last night! He’s amazing isn’t he? Can I ask have you worn makeup yet or fake tan? I want to tan my legs not worried about anywhere else lol, having my splint of next Monday and wondered how long after you can wear makeup again? Thanks sxxx

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