Heard a few stories of ladies needing a doctors note otherwise surgery would be cancelled ? I’ve not been told to get one but just wondering whether everyone has to get them or just in certain cases ? Xx
At my pre op the nurse just asked to sign a piece of paper with doctor surgery details as the have to ask for consent from doctor to go ahead but I didn’t have to do it as far as I know the nurse did.
I think the stories you’ve probably read are about people that have had antidepressants or anxiety medication as if you’ve had them in the last 6 months before your op they won’t allow it to go ahead without the doctor giving it the go ahead I had to do this and it was only mentioned at my pre op so if you have I would contact your GP ASAP
My GP wrote to me saying Mya had requested a letter and I needed to pay £10 to them before they would respond!! I’ve never been on medication, thought everyone needed to do it so they know you’re well enough mentally and physically for surgery xx