Doctors note ? My boobies got punched :( Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    Just wondering how easy is it to get a doctors note ? I work with special needs and I got injured Friday due to a student getting physical. I ended up having my new boobs bashed and a swollen lip and scuffed eye. I’m only 3 weeks post op. Don’t get me wrong i expect this to happen but now it’s happened I think it’s too risky to be at work until another 2 weeks. Schools are quite strict, you can’t have time off without a doctors note. They gave me a copy with the incident report so tomorrow I’m going to my docs and going to see if they can sign me off due to the nature of my job it’s far too risky. Just worried they might say no as its cosmetic surgery and I chose to have it 🙁 xx

    Kirsty 21

    Hey Lulu, I went to see my doctor the other day about getting signed off and she said it would be no problem just to phone them and they’d do me a sick note… She told me they don’t even have to put in the note what surgery it is that you’ve had, and that even though it’s for cosmetic purposes it’s still surgery so no different to if you have any other type of operation x

    Amy 265

    Hi Hun I work with special needs too I am 3 weeks post op. I would defo go get a sick note. My husband didn’t want me to go back to work last week. I had a few near misses with a few of the students. Hoping it gets easier this week. Good luck with your recovery. Mya nurses give sick notes but it will state the nature of your surgery.


    Thanks girls ! Kirsty – that’s made me feel loads better. Going to call up tomorrow first thing. Amy- it’s far too risky for us. He students are meant to be 1-1 and I have 9 in my class with 3/4 staff. It’s ridiclious and so unsafe. Usually I wouldn’t complain and get on with it but after Friday’s incident I cannot risk it. Xxx

    Karolina 42

    Hope you get it all sorted tomorrow hun and you surely should stay at home for few more weeks. Let me know how it goes lovely xxx

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