Dodgey calls? Started by: Georgia

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  • Georgia

    Hello girls!
    I had put my details down to arrange a consultation, anyways this was on the Wednesday.. Since then I’ve received 11 calls from similar but different numbers (they all have different last 3 digits) the only other place I put my number that day was on a ‘JustGiving’ page as I’m doing a race for life on May.. Not faulting mya at all just wondering whether this had happened to anyone else?


    Hi i did recieve a huge number of calls once i had my details in they were keen to chat and arrange a consultation xx

    Jessica 1

    I’m sure there was a button to click to stop third party phone calls. I think I clicked that because the only phone calls I have had have been from Mya. Maybe ring them but not sure if they can do anything now xx

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