Does anyone have the same stats as me?! Started by: Georgia Rose-Edwards

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    Finally booked my surgery today (woooo!). I met with Mr Jalalli, was very happy – I am currently a small 34C and was recommended 500cc overs – I’m worried 500cc is going to make me enormous, if anyone has had similar I’d love to know what bra size you are now as I am panicking myself! I’m so excited as it’s been a long time coming, it’s just the unknown that scares me! Thanks girls xxx

    Natalie G 12

    I would think that would be very big but these surgeons know what looks good.

    max i was offered was 360ccs from an A bit jealous lol x

    Laura 47

    Hi Georgia I’m similar, 5″3, 10 top 12 bottom and 34 b but I’m having 350 hp unders – I think it’s more to do with how much skin you have etc? I was worried when I got told hp as I’d always assumed they made you look fake but due to breastfeeding that’s where I need filling out x


    Ahh yeah we have pretty much the same stats! He did mention yesterday that I’ve got good tissue coverage so maybe 500cc is the max he’d give me. It’s really difficult because I want to ask to go down to 400cc but then I don’t want to have it all done and wish I’d stuck with the 500cc!! Mine also sit quite far apart so maybe the bigger implant will bring them together more…too many decisions haha!! Thanks for replying x

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