Does anyone have the same/similar before boobs as me?! Started by: Georgia Rose-Edwards

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    Would really like to find someone with similar boobs to me, have never found anyone with anything similar! I trust my op will go well but I’d love to get an idea of what they’ll look like after. Can’t wait to get them done I honestly hate them as they are now πŸ™


    Here’s a picture

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    Diane 14

    I believe mine to.of been similar in shape but smaller size. They look slightly tubular. feel free to add me to see my before and afters hun xx


    I’ve thought that they’re tubular before but no ones told me different, I’ll bring it up with my surgeon I think!! Thanks for replying love. I added you xxx

    Casey Murrell 44

    These look really similar to mine before my op except mine were slightly bigger, add me if you like xx


    I have very similar boobs. Will upload some photos after my surgery which is a week today! πŸ™‚


    Hey, very new to this! But this is the exact reason I joined up.. I have very similar boobs as you & that’s the reason I’m holding off surgery! Can you let me know how it went, I’m so nervous just going to the consultation! X


    @jessieb123 thankyou!! I’ll keep my eye out, I hope all goes well for you!! ☺️

    I’d definitely recommend going to a few consultations (I went to a few before deciding on MYA) I’ve hated my boobs since the moment they grew, they’ve caused huge problems for me but just speaking to someone about it and knowing you’re doing something about it is such a big step, plus the consultations are commitment free so you don’t have to worry about pressure. I’ll let you know, I’m sure I’ll be uploading updates and photos as it happens, I’ve found it really hard to find people with boobs like mine so I know your struggle! I feel like a guinea pig haha! My op isn’t until September but you’re welcome to ask me any questions you want x


    Hi Georgia, I’ve added you. I have before & after pics on my profile xx


    Check my profile @georgialucianna had my op yesterday so will be adding photo’s as I go along πŸ™‚ hopefully I can get my pre op photos too for a better idea! X


    Mine was similar to urs I had 400cc overs

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    I’ll send u another pick I’m 4 week post op now x

    Kym 6

    Hun did yours get any bigger after surgery ? I had overs and wishing they where bigger then what they are now.

    Kamila 14

    I have side boobs too! Currently measuring at 32CC but wearing 34C bra but still feeling flat chested cuz they are so much on sides and pointing outwards. Surgeon said they will still be facing outwards but the shape will change with implant and they will gain more on front so I wont look flat chested anymore which ill be very happy with πŸ™‚

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