Does anyone have veiny boobs? Started by: xwardyx

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  • xwardyx

    I tried posting about this before but I didn’t really get much response so thought I’d try again, so I’m nearly 5 weeks post op & my boobs are really veiny which I feel makes them look ugly. Has anyone else had this? Is it normal? Does it go away or is this just the way they are now? Please ladies any advice would really be appreciated I’m getting woried now 🙁 x

    newboobs11 3

    i do aswell!! im almost a year post op and have a horrible big vein on one of them! its not always visible but when it is it looks awful!


    Me too, but mr traynor told me they would fade!!! Fingers crossed xx


    and me they look like a road map!! i was hoping it was just because the skin is stretched im just under 2 weeks post op, but if they are still like that after a year i guess thats not the case 🙁 xx


    Mine are too! And they are blue! I hate it so much! x


    Yeah mine are really blue and also look like a road map too, I’m glad it’s not just me though. It’s not very attractive is it! Oh well fingers crossed that it will look better with time! Thanks for replying girls it’s nice to know it’s normal and other people get it too x


    Hey girls I’m 5 months po and sometimes they seem to just come up other times they don’t. Been keeping an eye on mine and it’s mostly when I’m hot. Sounds really weird and no idea why but when I come out a hot bath or I’m just really hot they seem to be worse! I bloody hate them though. Their disgusting! 🙁 xx


    Mine were like that from 5 weeks po I’m now 3 months po and they’ve all gone xx


    Hey girls. When your hot your veins rise to the surface to cool your body down thats why sometimes they are visible more when you are hot. xx

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