Doing My Research Started by: Olivia

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  • Olivia

    Hello Everyone ! So i had my consultation yesterday at the Leeds Clinic, and already i am so excited to go ahead further into it all. I was hoping for some tips, experience advice etc from people who had been through it all already.
    I am a frame size 6/8 with 32 B/C size breasts at the moment, hoping to go up a couple cup sizes.

    I am about 95% sure i want this done, the only reason there is the 5% is peoples opinions of it, but when it comes down to it i know i shouldn’t care !! Haha

    Thanks Ladies xx

    Charlotte 22

    hey hun, i had mine yesterday, op at 2:30 and on my way home at 6:45. its amazing i am so pleased i had it done, i am in minimal pain just a bit achey like from a gym work out.
    i had 500cc from a 34c (empty). I’m please. its really worth it.

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