Don't be put off! Started by: Brooke

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  • Brooke 45

    Hi Girls,

    Just a quick note to anyone that is researching or is worrying about surgery or what to do due to recovery…. DON’T BE PUT OFF by anyone else’s horror stories!

    I spent so long on this forum and reading up on recoveries as well as speaking to my friends and colleagues who have had a mix of BA’s as well as reductions and uplifts etc. and some of the stories I had read or seen were just out of this world and made me wonder whether I was really wanting to go through with it, that and the fear of GA as never had it before.

    In terms of the GA, I don’t know what I was worried about seriously!!! I am really scared of dying and I was so comfortable at every stage, I didn’t even think about what could go wrong because everything was so smooth and all of the staff were just amazing and so lovely. Even to the point I was quite excited to experience it when I went into theatre.

    Also my recovery has been really GOOD! I haven’t been in any pain, the whole time i’d say I was a 2/10 at most now yes, this is probably due to me having overs or having a C cup already with skin to fill BUT there will be others similar to me that will be scared about the pain. I didn’t take pain killers at all other than some paracetamol to ease a slight headache I had and a dull ache in my boobs. I had cold like symptoms after from the GA I think but that’s gone now.

    I don’t doubt that other girls recoveries have been awful because I’m in a whatsapp group at the moment and we have all been sharing our stories and my heart goes out to anyone that is really struggling BUT just think of the end result, you will forget all about the weeks of pain and be soooo happy with your new body!

    Just remember that everyone is different and whilst it’s important to be prepared for a very uncomfortable few weeks, your body might surprise you and you might just be OK!

    (I hope I haven’t offended anyone, I am simply just trying to get my thoughts across for people who are worried)

    If anyone wants to follow my journey here is my instagram link –


    Sally 8

    Thankyou for this Brooke, I’m having mine done 3 weeks today! I’ve read so many bad stories about recovery which is what I’m worried about most. I’m having unders which everyone is saying it’s worse recovering from. Trying to keep positive so Thankyou 🙂 xx



    I only had one bad story told to me & oh joy it was the day before my surgery … A friend boyfriend told me all sorts of b*llsh*t about his ex when she had hers done & I’m so glad I just ignored him!


    @hallswife I had unders 10 days ago and my recovery has been great! Very similar to how Brooke has described hers. I was worried about having unders as I heard the recovery was worse but the day after my surgery I was so mobile and could lift my arms without any pain. Everyone is different but I wouldn’t worry too much! Good luck with your surgery xx

    Sally 8

    Thankyou Izzy 🙂 I’ve read and been told some horror stories lol I’m not worried at all about the procedure just the recovery. What size did you have? I don’t meet the surgeon till next week so not sure what he’ll offer me xx

    Saff 67

    Omg thank you for this post, been worrying way too much!xxx


    Thank you so much for this. I am still in the consultation process & like you, am very nervous about the operation & recovery. Again I’ve already been told horror stories to put me off. I’m a flat chest 34c & just feel at the age of 35 I’m old & wise enough to go & get a BA! I’m consdering dr lutz who did you have your surgery with? Sam

    Brooke 45

    @sally I have also heard unders are more difficult but I think that’s due to the fact they have to do a bit more in the chest area then overs but again, it’s amazing how could our bodies are and don’t feel like because 1 person is up and out that it means you’re not recovering how you should be, just relax and rest and make the most of the catch up tv haha xxx

    Brooke 45

    @zoe oh gosh!! Not surprised! I watched the BA procedure on YouTube the day before and that wasn’t the best thing to do haha xx

    Brooke 45

    @Samantha ah fairly similar to me then?! I was a 34C before !! I had dr sleiter and he made me feel so excited about it and also said he could do everything with an uplift which is what my PC had originally told me to get x

    Alison 13

    Thansk Hun I really needed to hear this my op is Sunday and I am so scared I am having 400 cc hp overs x x

    Brooke 45

    It’ll be fine and you’ll wake up wondering what you were worried about xx


    @hallswife I had 300cc as I’m petite and fairly slim – my surgeon said my body wouldn’t really take anything more than 350. It feels like I’m carrying rocks in my bra at the moment but throughout it’s been more of a discomfort as opposed to pain! Even if it’s the worst pain in the world, it’ll all be worth it for the result!x

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