I have my 6 week check on Monday and I don’t even want to go to it. I absolutely hate my breasts and haven’t been able to look at them for the past 2 weeks. They seem to shrink every day. I don’t even think I am going to be a full b cup and I just look so out of proportion. I’m dreading going in to mya on Monday cause I know I will get emotional. I don’t even want to undress in front of my surgeon so I don’t think I am ever going to feel comfortable with them. I feel less confident and more self conscious than I did before surgery but I’m stuck now and don’t know what to do. I really do hate them! x
Aww Hun I’m so sorry you feel like this I’ve just looked at your pics and I think they look great seriously! And you don’t look like a b cup to me! Why don’t you go get measured,I think it will surprise you and give you the boost you need. Don’t worry about getting emotional at the clinic, everyone has seen me cry receptionist 2 nurses, pc and my surgeon! . Xx
I was kinda like that for a while hun, a lot of girls through it. We think there too small i felt like that definately, i only had 260cc an wanted a lot bigger but i was so small pre op thats the biggest i was offered and now i realise why anything much bigger wouldnt of been right and would of looked too fake, give it time you will get there, mine seemed to shrink a lot but once they drop they do fill out again especially with unders (not sure what you had) just go to the post op check an tell them how you feel ask more questions if u need to and give them time to heal more, 6 weeks is so early! x
Hi Flicky I had 265 cc overs and really wish I had gone bigger I feel so out of proportion and feel like I just look weird! I’ve looked at your pics as you had similar size and yours look fab! I think you’re probably a bit more petite than me though so you’ve got a better result. I was completely flat pre op, like a boy! I tried not to look at them for a while cause I was getting obsessed but now I can’t look at them at all! Can I ask if the bikini in your pic is padded or not (the black one)? I would love it if mine looked like that in a bikini! I think I will still have to wear quite padded bras to feel comfortable with the size.
Thanks Kirsty, I’ve been thinking of getting measured but don’t feel confident enough even to do that! What a mess I am! How are you getting on love? Not spoken to you in a while x
I’m ok chick, left boob is still higher and now feels like it has rippling. Hope you come to love our boobies Hun xx
Belle, could i add you? i had op this week, overs as well. i feel that my boobs are smaller than i expected but it is too early to say what size they will be as i still have all strapping on… it is really sad to know you are so upset about the size! Kirsty is right though, you should go and see the doc and a nurse. they are used to seeing us emotional, it is a part of their jobs… changing boobs is a huge thing and no wonder it comes with emotional ups and downs… i am quite scared of the moment i have to take my strapping off and or the first time to see them! i think though after the whole experience with vaser and ba i have so much more respect for my body.. i put it through all the pain and surgeries and it still heals and wants to be taken to gym so i feel like i HAVE to love my boobs whichever size they are post op
even if my brain wants them bigger
lot s of hugs, i hope you will feel better soon! xx
Hi course you can hun. I had 265 cc overs from a completely flat 32aa (if that!) and they are a lot bigger than they were but because I would wear such padded bras before they actually look smaller now, and I have got chubby from no exercising so I feel very our if proportion! Thanks for the advice though chuck x
hunny, i really have to say that – YOU BOOBS LOOK AMAZING! they are a great shape and great size! seriously when i was preparing for the op i wanted to end up with the similar result to urs! i think what you need is just focus a bit less on the size and more on embracing having boobs
girl, u DO HAVE boobs! i guess once you can exercise you will feel less chubby (i dont know even if you are?? u look very slim on the photos!) and maybe the sense of proportion would also come back then. it is quite rare that girls from very small sizes can go to huge in one op. so give it some more time and if you feel that you need bigger, you can do it later, but then your skin will be able to incorporate bigger implants as well. i think it is much worse to end up with stretch marks and sagged boobs than have a smaller size… but it is my personal opinion. cheer up
u look super hot! xx
And don’t forget Hun the sports bras we wear don’t exactly do much for us and aren’t very sexy! Once you are in nice bras I bet you will feel loads better, I think they look great I really do! Do you have any before pics you could look at to remind yourself what you looked like pre op, I know I got used to the size of mine really quickly they didn’t feel big but looking at my pre op pics reminded me what I was like before. Xx
Hi belle, I had 385cc overs and only just starting to feel love for them, I think I only look a c but measure dd/e, I used to wear triple gel bras and actually looked bigger in them than I do now, but I kept reminding myself what my boobs actually looked like out of them bras I had empty skin for boobs!!. I feel so much better now I’m in proper bras you will too you can add me if you want have a look see the difference a bra makes xx
hi Belle, i had 265 overs in january this year and when i first had them done they seemed a lot bigger. once i had the strapping off and they started to drop a bit i did start to feel unsure whether i was happy with them, i went on and off them. but what you have to remember is 1 – they are SO much better than they used to be! i was also a 32a and i could never wear pretty bras or low cut tops and i was soo self concious about them but now i feel so much more.. female? haha. and 2 – wait til you get out of sports bras and into normal bras. beleive me, it makes a big difference!
i would defo tell your pc/surgeon how you feel. you paid a lot of money for them you deserve to be 100% happy with them! Add me if you want to, i hope you start to love your new boobs soon xx
Hey belle please don’t feel down I too hate my boobs only because one is so much bigger due to two different implant styles moderate left hp right I hate the moderate side as it is much bigger and fuller. They are looking a bit more even in clothes now when I undress that’s when you can see the difference,
I just had a look at your pictures and think that your boobs look great feeling jel try not to get to down about them and remember the sports bra ain’t very flattering of sexy and doesn’t make the best of your new twins. In a few more week you will be able to wear some lovely bras that show your girls off for how great they are. Keep your chin up chick go see your surgeon for your 6 weeks check and as Kirsty said if you have any before pics have a look at them you will soon see the difference and you will be off bra shopping before you know it once the new twins are in a nice bra I bet you will love them. Xx
Hi girls its such s roller coaster we all need a little cry every now and then . I’m sure iv got rippling plus I can feel my implants feeling like a plastic bag in there sometimes . I’m loosing weight quick now worried as I wanted the op because I was still loosing breast tissue. I no mine are big but I still feel for you Hun . It’s very difficult for the surgeons to garrenty the boobs we hope for.ciber hugs Hun xxx
@mla1988 Yes belle that black bra is a padded one, maximize your assets from primark! there really really good they add like 2 cup sizes to me! my biggest problem is cleavage! they dont go fully together even a year on! it really gets me down but the best way i can suggest to think about is are they better then what they were pre op? also i looked at all my old pre op pics wearing certain dresses an then tried them all on again post op an looked a million times better in them then i did before so thats another thing to think about! I just had a look at your pics and you have nothing to worry about they look amazing!!! Like the girls said go get measured! but dont worry too much about bra sizes, i dont care about all that! its how they look rather then the size in my opinion! xx
Hi Belle, could I add you please. Please try not to feel down, all the girls on here are lovely and we are all here if you need us at any time xx
Aww I’ve just seen all these posts, girls you are all so lovely. Every time I come on here I do start to feel better about it all. Course you can add me sue, no problem.
Thanks miss vi, you are right and I had never thought about that before, I would have probably got stretch marks if I had gone much bigger. I will feel a million times better when I can exercise, I know that thanks love, you’re a gem!
Kirsty you were right about the bras I have bought one today and posted a pic, they look completely different in a proper bra it’s amazing! I don’t have any before pics but I am going to ask mya if I can have a copy of the ones they took.
Thanks peeps I will add you if you don’t mind doll. And Minnie I will add you too, thank you you’re right I am going to tell them how I feel tomorrow. I’ve been a bit disappointed so far with the aftercare from mya so I should start to make the most of it if I can.
Kim how are you getting on now love? Not heard from you in a while how did things go with dr f?
Thanks Flicky, you are right and mine do look better than before, I had nothing! I think it’s easy to forget that, especially as I used to wear so much padding, I forget that wasn’t actually my boobs ha. Anyway if mine look like yours a year on they I will be so happy!
Thanks girls really appreciate it as always x x
Hi Belle, thanks for the add. I think your boobs look really good. The shape and their fullness is just how I want mine xx
Hi Belle265,
We’re so sorry to hear that you are feeling this way.
If there is anything at all which we can do for you please let us know.
In the meantime would you like us to get in touch with your PC to give you a call in the morning?
Love MYA Mod x
Belle they look amazing xx
it is great to see you feeling better Belle265! I hope you meeting goes well and u will feel excited abt wearing all the summer dresses and open tops soon! (at least i cant wait to show my cleavage !!! ) take care dear! xx
Belle your girls are looking hot!! I knew you would feel better once you got out of the dreaded sports bras and into something much prettier! You will feel much better in clothes aswell now chick xx
Thanks girlies, appreciate it what a difference a bra makes! X
Wowieee they are HOT babe!! Just had a look at your newest pics & I LOVE your boobies they are perfect!! mine have changed lots in the last 2 weeks hun.. Hang on in there, changes or not you’ll get there big big hugs & don’t forget we all love your boobies xxx
Aw thanks ducky my lovely it’s been such a bloomin rollercoaster I must say! Just had. Look at your pics you are healing so well your scars have really improved I think! Hope you are happy, you definitely should be
Bell, new photos are gorgeous! that bra really shows the shape and fullness what bra is the white one you are wearing? it looks comfy and i like the cleavage it creates <3
Hey miss vi, thanks hun the white sports bra is from tesco. I absolutely love it and wish I had found it earlier as it gives you a nice line under clothes, no pointy boobs! It was only about £6 I think x
thanks Belle! i found it i think there is only 36C left… no idea what i am now haha
36d sports bra is a bit free, so i am thinking maybe c will be ok. how did you find size of ur bra? is it bigger/smaller? thanks
I got a 34 c, I’m normally a 32 but wanted it to be super comfy. You may find the c a bit small but you never know until you try! It is a really good sports bra so I would get it just to try, you can always pop into tesco and swap it if its no good x
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