Hi JaneyH-Have you seen mya at all?I went to Harley street and MYA.Harley said I would prob need an uplift as my boobs borderline and the implants I asking for probsag even more so need uplift-quoted6thousand!!!!I haven’t got that sort of money so I was devastated.i went to MYA-intial consultation and although they did no looking or measuring I did mention harley said I need uplift.Mya said I would have to see a surgeon before that decision needs to be made as it may be possible to just have ba.MYA quoted me55oo for uplift and implants and I have got a discount voucher but we still cannot afford that.I go back for consultation with Dr.Singh in Sept and I am praying he says he can manage it without an uplift as I will gutted, we just can’t afford more than32500 which seems to be minimum mya do for day case etc A girl i spoke to on here was told she defo needed uplift by another company but mya managed without and as long as she wears support bra to bed she should never need an uplift.Keep looking until you are certain-it is a lot of money!!Soniax