Double Bubble & CC Started by: staceylouise90

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    Hey girls
    just going through the researching stage of boob jobs at the moment and just wondered what causes Double Bubble and CC? is it more common in smaller boobs? I’m a small 32B at the moment and would love to go to a DD/E size.
    Just worried that because my boobs are small to start with I might be more prone to getting DB and CC

    Thanks xx


    Hey huni it don’t matter wot size implants you have as CC can happen to any size I’ve got CC and I’m having my 450cc replaced with 590cc it’s just means that my muscle has latched on to my right implant and when I use that muscle it pulls my implant out of shape your surgeon will tell you wot size implants you can which is best for your frame and down to your breast tissue I’ve got a pic of my CC on hear but end of day all us pre op girls will tell you to go for the biggest implants you can get as when there under your skin they look so small to wot they are xx


    Thanks hun, so what’s DB? is CC dangerous? So is it more common with unders then? I reckon I would need unders as I don’t have much breast tissue and will probably need different sized implants as ones bigger than the other, when are u having ur re op? xx


    Cc isn’t nothing to worry about it just means your body is trying to make the implants a part of body in funny sort of way they say overs are well know for cc but I’m sure it don’t matter which way they go I’ve got 385cc/450 and my surgeon is telling me my implants need to be the same size so il let your surgeon decide if you need two different size x I’m having. My re op next week. 28th and I can’t wait xx

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