Dr Bernard sleiter anyone used him? Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    Hi I’ve got my first meeting to meet the surgeon in a few weeks and dr Bernard was recommended to me I was just wondering has anyone else used him or heard of him as I’ve never seen his name anywhere so I’m just a bit unsure when you’ve not seen someone’s work before

    Lauren 54

    If you search Dr Sleiter on the forum a few of us were talking about this a couple days ago.
    I met him on Monday, he’s so lovely! And his work is great he has hundreds of pics to show you on his laptop of it. Some surgeons are quite private and don’t really post their work publicly, my PC said Dr Sleiters work speaks for itself so he doesn’t need to.
    I’ve gone ahead and booked my op with him on 30th June, can’t wait!
    Definately see him for a consultation and hopefully you’ll be reassured xx


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    Thank you I’ve got my consultation on 11th June to meet him for the first time but because I’ve never seen him on Instagram or anywhere I was a bit unsure but suppose there’s no harm in seeing him to see how I feel 🙂 x

    Brooke 45

    I met with him last week and he made me feel really excited about it. He is very open & honest. I went in having being told I would need a 275-300cc implant behind the muscle with an uplift which I was disheartened about but when I met with Mr Sleiter, he told me he could do it without an uplift and he would just use a 350cc as I had enough skin & tissue to avoid the lift so I came out soooo happy! He showed me his work and also let me get some pictures etc with the implants in and fully explained everything!

    Also – I’m trying to write my own topic but i just can’t work out how to do it – how do i upload a topic please babe?xx

    Lisa 5

    So pleased that i have come across this as I was also getting a bit concerned that I cannot find out much about him or his work, I have a consultation booked in with him on the 1st of June, am less anxious now and look forward to meeting him and seeing some of his work,

    thanks 🙂 x


    I’m looking forward to meeting him now 🙂 and Scroll right down to the bottom of the topics and it gives you an option to submit your own xx

    Georgia 5

    Lauren Iv also just booked my surgery with him for the 30th June! He is so lovely, he made me feel so comfortable. I think it’s defiantly worth going to see him and getting your own opinion x

    Jess 2

    i am waiting for my op now !! at the first trust hospital preston he is lovely and knows his stuff i am next to go down x

    LauraC 6

    I had my op on 22nd May by Dr Sleiter. All went smoothly and I’m recovering well. Really pleased with my result so far! I had 350cc high profile unders. Good luck! Xx


    @laurachapman I’m hoping to get 350cc or 375cc I originally chose 400cc but I feel they’ll be too big I’m glad I’ve seen good reviews on him as I’m hoping to pay my deposit to secure a date when I see him x

    Beth 300cc 14

    I met with Dr Sleiter on Saturday and I was the same. I couldn’t find anything online about him. I recently found out he is new to MYA and was previously with another cosmetic surgery provider and if you google his reviews you’ll see all positive reviews about Dr Sleiter.

    I’m glad I decided to stay with him as he made me feel at ease and confident. X

    Felicity 10

    I’m booked in for surgery on July 13th with Dr Sleiter! Can anyone post or DM some before and after pics!

    I’m a generous B at the moment possibly going 355cc.

    So excited!!


    Jessica 2

    I had my consultation with Dr Sleiter on Friday after already booking my surgery date in July, like you girls I was concerned about not being able to find many reviews but he seemed lovely. I’ve just got to decide whether I want unders or overs as he said both options are possible depending on the look I want. I’m currently a 32A and hoping to be a full C. He said he would order 275 and 300 and I can confirm nearer the time so now I’m going backwards & forwards trying to decide what to do! I’m relieved to hear you girls are booking with him too 🙂


    Does anyone know if it’s true that if you have overs recovery time and pain is longer so you’ll be more stiff and less mobile in your arms for longer?

    Sjm 4

    @Brookeculleton, I was told my Dr Fiumara that I need an uplift with 400cc unders, however saw Dr Sleiter on Monday and he advised that I need 420cc Nagor Impleos overs… are you happy with your results and what size are you now? I’m thinking 420cc may be too big for me as I want to go to a DD/E currently a empty 34c x

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by Sjm 4.
    Lauren 54

    If anyone wants to see his work follow me on insta, mya_girl300618

    Brooke 45

    Hey Hun @sjm , I’m super happy with my results! I was a 34C before and had 350 HP overs with dr sleiter. I think I’m going to be a 34DD/E based on how they are at the moment, im currently wearing a 36DD post op bra xx

    I have attached my before and after which was the day I got home & then today which is 6DPO xx

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    Brooke 45

    6DPO today x

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    Jac 1

    Hi. I’m having my surgery sept 8 and I’m feeling very nervous. Dr. Sleiter is my surgeon. I have had one consultation with him, but didn’t feel I asked all the right questions so I’m going again this Friday. He suggested 275 overs. I’m a 32 b and would love to be small d or full c. Don’t want to be too big and scared I should go for 250. Any suggestions would be gratefully appreciated!

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 6 months ago by Jac 1.

    I had Dr Sleiter 275 unders he was fantastic in every way x

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 6 months ago by Jenny Brien 6.
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    Kelsey 8

    Jenny what size were you pre op? Dr Sleiter said to me about 275cc being the biggest i could have but i feel its too small!

    Hannah 18

    I had my op yesterday at the Fitzroy and all went well, not in much pain just very achey. Dr Sleiter is a lovely man and his scars are tiny, the nurse commented saying his scars are the smallest she’s ever seen. I had 325cc high profile round implants over the muscle. This pic is the morning after my op. I was an empty a/b before.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by Hannah 18.
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    Hannah 18

    Feeling very swollen and weird to touch at the moment, wish I could fast forward a couple of months!

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by Hannah 18.
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    Hannah 18


    • This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by Hannah 18.
    Hannah 18


    • This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by Hannah 18.

    Kelsey sorry babe I’ve just seen this i was an A pre op like I had no boobs x

    Dinky 4

    Hi does anyone have any pictures from any surgery from Dr Sleiter as I can’t find anything. My operation is booked for April. He seemed lovely and offered me 275/300 over any help would be lovely

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