Dr Gonshior – Good or Bad? Started by: NymAsari

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    Hey, I am going for a consultation with Dr Gonshior in a few weeks time for Rhinoplasty. I’ve been researching him online and I have seen very mixed reviews – some stating that he does absolutely amazing work, others stating that he has done a terrible job on their nose. Unfortunately, there have been no photos about the negative comments and can therefore be easily dismissed.
    I was enquiring about how people felt about Dr Gonshior and their experience with him?
    I would also be very very grateful for some photos as well.

    I’m so so nervous and want to ensure that I’m making the correct choice with him


    Hey I had my consultation two weeks ago and have booked my surgery date, he seemed really great in the consultation but after reading a few things on here I’m really quite worried, don’t really know what to do, it’s a risk like with anything but am considering speaking with another surgeon. What are you wanting to have done xx


    Hey I had surgery with dr G on the 9th of December Iv just put my photos up, add me as a friend and have a look I’m so happy wit it xxx


    Good luck x

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