So I got called in early. Which ended up being right on time actually. Everyone was so lovely and happy and smiley Ms lutz was so lovely too. I couldn’t fault anything on the day. I was in a shared room but everything was so confidential my partner came in with me and it was just the best experience! Wish I had took more before pictures so if you’re reading this pre op then please do take lots. It’s 1dpo now and everything is going sooo sooo good!
Lots of support on Instagram and I’m so grateful for everyone’s kids words and advice so if anyone wants to follow on Instagram you are more than welcome. Or drop me a message and I’ll add your number.
I’ve attached a few photos at the bottom. But not finished product yet remember! Trust the process.
I’m going to have a good look at them later. They are feeling a lot bigger now. Just taking pain killers as and when. Slept through the night with no boob problems. But right next to the station and the noises from people working through the night mainly kept me up and I slipped down a little bit, So I’m going to settle in and set up a proper camp after travelling home today.
Starting to feel more real now. I think because I’ve been padding up for so long. They just look like what I’ve been making them look like (if that makes sense.) so trying to knock away the boob greed so early on and remember I actually have my boobs back and it’s not just a bra.
I’ve attached pictures
Anything I need to prepare for?
You must have been on the same day as me!! Look amazing. What is your Instagram so I can follow you? Xx
Yess! Yesterday babe. How you feeling?
I’ve just added you!! I went in for my op about 11am and ended up leaving the hospital about 5-6pm? I had 250 and 275 overs. I can move my arms fine, walk around etc. They just feel quite tight and sore at mo! How are you feeling lovely?
Thanks hun. Yeah i had 325 and 350 overs same as you I got called in at 11 and went down at 1 came out at 8pm. Travelling back now can feel it a bit more. I’ve done a bit too much I think. But gonna relax when I get home. Xx
Oh bless you, it’s such a surreal feeling waking up from general and knowing that something feels quite tight on your chest Haha. I was shaking when I came around so that was making it feel worse. How are you feeling overall? Are you happy? It’s a huge thing to go through so well done. Definitely relax when you get home. Just get straight into bed all cosy, stick the TV on too!! Have you got a V pillow?? Xxx
Hey hun, yeah I’m just really impatient but I know there’s lots of changes to go through. One minute I think they’re too small. The next they’re too flat: I just need to trust the process. How are you getting on? How do you feel? I’m still badly bloated aswell. Think we have to remember it’s only day 3 haha. Lots of rest and fluids. No movement xxx
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