Dr. Mahdi 22nd August 375cc Started by: Bec

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  • Bec 1

    Hi 🙂
    Just wondering if anyone else is booked in at Preston with Dr Mahdi on August 22nd?
    I’m having 375cc partials, still panicking that I’ll want them bigger afterwards!

    SamanthaY 1

    Hi Bec! I’m also having 375cc partials but not until 1st September so I’d love to see how you get on. What profile are you having? Best of luck!! Not long to go x

    Bec 1

    I’m having high profile, ahh not long for you to wait either, so exciting! Yes will definitely let you know how I get on & what they look like after! What surgeon are you having? Xx

    SamanthaY 1

    I’m having moderate plus (as I go to the gym a lot so I’m broad and have a wide gap apparently; I just let the surgeon choose whatever would look best on me. I was recommended 350cc but I asked for a little bit bigger.

    I’m booked into the Fitzroy with Dr. Tsekouras there’s very little about him on the forums but so far he’s been great and made me feel very comfortable etc.

    What size are you at the moment?

    Thank you, that would be great! Hope it goes well xx

    Stephanie 7

    Hi im 5″8 size12 12st i had my surgery yesterday with Dr Mahdi he is lovely and so professional. I had 400 cc hp unders starting off at 34/36a. No pain at all just discomfort! Totally in love already and the staff at preston are so lovely especially staff nurse angela gonazoles u will b really looked after xx

    Stephanie 7

    I said discomfort more tightness very manageable only discomfort with sudden movements.

    Bec 1

    I’m a 32a at the minute but have no volume at all at the top of my boobs so just want them to look full!
    I’m 5ft7 but I’m quite narrow at the top so hopefully they will look better afterwards.
    That’s good, I think as long as you feel comfortable with your surgeon you can definitely trust them with sizes etc!
    Thank you 🙂 let me know how you get on also, if you’ve got any questions too let me know if I can help after I’ve had mine done xx

    Bec 1

    Thank Stephanie, that makes me feel better that the staff are nice haha. Starting to feel a little nervous now!
    Did you just go in as a day case? Xx

    SamanthaY 1

    Thanks, that’s really kind of you!

    I’m a 34A; I have the tiniest bit of volume.

    Sounds like a great fit for you then! I’m sure they’ll look fab 🙂

    Did your surgeon say why thy chose a partial placement for you?

    Laura 41

    Hey, I had my surgery with Mr Mahdi on 17th Aug I had 350 in my left and 325 in my right and nipple lift I was 32a before although I’m only 3dpo I’m in love with the size I wanted big so when I got told 350 was max I was in 2 mind if they would be big enough or not but I’m honestly in love with the size I’ll try and attach a pic for you xx

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    Laura 41

    My before 1hour post and 1 day post

    Laura 41

    Won’t let up upload

    Bec 1

    I’m not sure why with the partial placement, might be because there’s not much tissue there to begin with, I just though I’ll go with what he recommends haha. Xx

    Bec 1

    Laura they look amazing, you’ve had such a great result! That’s what I’m like with the size, some peoples look small at 375 and then others look big so I guess it really is down to the individual. Don’t want to get boob greed when I’m all done, haha. Xx

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 6 months ago by Bec 1.
    Sarah 2

    Iv had 300cc over muscle high profile took me to about a 32 E

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 6 months ago by Sarah 2.
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    Laura 41

    Hey Bec thanks i do love them if I do say so my self! Yeah I saw a post just before my surgery and this girl got the same size as me and they looked so small on pictures and i started to get worried but once i had them I love them they change everyday and I love them more and more everyday xx

    Bec 1

    Hi guys, sorry for the late reply have been quite sore from surgery up until today.
    Happy with the size! Have seen them out of my bra just once- they still look quite high and feel hard but obviously that’s normal when why’re still so new. My bra is a 32D and it’s tight so think I’ll be a nice full D when swelling has gone down. (Excuse the picture, my tummy is swollen from the anaesthetic) xx

    Bec 1

    Having trouble uploading pics guys- my insta is Becwicks if anyone with similar stats needs any info etc 🙂

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