dr Marcellino pls pics/ who had…? Started by: Ann

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  • Ann 13

    hi, next appointment with dr Marcellino…i would like to go for 350 to achieve dd size, at the moment A…almost nothing . Pls could you share your thoughts, suggestions. Feel a bit stressed already ….

    Louise 90

    Hey! I had Max Marcellino for my surgery on 23/04/18. My consultation was very easy and felt very comfortable with him, he suggested sizes, told me the pros and cons of all. I asked to be a DD and he suggested 400-450cc overs to achieve this. On surgery day he decided to go with 425cc, everyone’s different and different implant sizes achieve different looks and sizes on different girls! I’ll attach a before and after, just to show his amazing work, my before boobs were awful and his given me such confidence as I’m sure he will do for you to!xx

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    Ann 13

    Hi Louise, thank you xx. Wow, you look stunning girl. Can’t wait when will have my done, finally will have a boobs, best present ever. I would like to have nice full breast but of course still look natural. Sooo excited and a bit stressed

    Louise 90

    I thought having a BA was so straight forward, I found the process abit stressful too! I think a lot of girls do! But wish you the best, he’s an arming surgeon and he’ll discuss everything with you, have a great journey!xx

    Heidi 217

    I had Dr Marcellino too, im nearly 4 weeks post op and couldn’t be happier that i went with him, hes very straight to the point and makes you feel very comfortable. I’ll try attach a picture, my skin was very torn from all the strapping he used but it stopped them drifting apart which some surgeons don’t, my profile pic shows them now the skins healed:) xx

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by Heidi 217.
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    Ann 13

    Hi Heidi, wow, amazing . Looking forward to it now, just can’t wait. My natural boobs have similar size like yours before ;), we gonna see what size he will suggest after 19th this month , thinking about 325-350…like mentioned above 🙂 wohoooo

    JM 24

    I had max 325cc dual plane, 32b now a 32dd. I love them. X

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    Ann 13

    hi girls xx, how did go your appointment with dr? i had mine yesterday , really quick, no details just about what size …i’m a bit anxious now…have mixed feelings and wondering if he is just like that and at then like read somewhere get job well done or…? thanks in advance xx

    Heidi 217

    Ann i thought the exact same at my pre op with him he basically just measured me, scribbled some stuff down & decided on the profile (5 minute appointment max) however on my surgery day he came in beforehand to draw on my chest and he talked for me for a while making sure i was okay and exactly how i wanted them etc and was very reassuring so he’s just like that but when it matters hes very in-depth and professional:) xx

    Ann 13

    Heidi, many thanks, this cheered me up defo. He was nice etc but exactly- 5 min and after, not much info, so i don’t know what he decided to do…he said don’t have much skin, not so stretchy so offered 300-325, so i think will leave this in his capable hands. Really can’t wait from the other side, 1 month to go , never had pics a boobs in my phone hahhaha and no pic after pic ;). Thanks again Heidi x

    Heidi 217

    Yeah i could barely even understand him at the first appointment so was really worried haha, he offered me 250, 275, 300 depending on what he could fit on surgery day (ordered them all) but when he was drawing on me he said he can definitely fit 300s which he did so i dont be worried about what he orders xx

    Ann 13

    yeah same me, although english is not my 1st language :P. When did you get info what size bra U should get after surgery ? I want to order 2 Macom but not sure what size yet. I have pre op next Thu , not sure if will find out then…? thank you again xx

    Heidi 217

    I was aiming for a big C/small D which is actually exactly what I measure as now, but i orderd my macon bras at my first consultation as my PC said to get a medium it’s basically whatever your numbers are (i was 32AA and she said 32 is about a medium) xx

    Ann 13

    many thanks hon x

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