Dr Tsekouras results?! Started by: Laura

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  • Laura 54


    I’ve already had my BA but now my friend is too and has been recommended Dr Tsekouras. We’re struggling to find any post op pics that are more than a week later…

    Are there any ladies that can share any post op pictures from 1 month/3 months/6 months and any feedback on their experience with him?

    Thaaaanks šŸ™‚

    Vanessa 5

    I had my surgery with Dr Tsekouras 2 days ago, he is a really lovely man. As soon as I met him at my consultation I felt at ease with him, he’s very thorough and will spend as much time as you need going through everything with you at consultation answering your questions.
    I can’t comment on results yet but my whole experience with him so far I can not fault.

    Jenna 1

    Iā€™m now 5 weeks post op with Mr Tsekouras, really happy with my results so far!
    I was a small 32B before, had 300cc hp unders!

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    Stephanie 6

    Hi i have Dr Tsekouras for my op for the 29th August, I have met him and he really is a lovely man x

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by Stephanie 6.
    Claire 2

    Hiya , I had Dr tsekouris on 8th July , I had 400cc mod plus overs , I was a 34 a (with space) , and am 6ft and 91kgs size 12 ISH, he is wonderful and very gentle Dr I am happy with how he has operated ! I would recommend him to others XX

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