Drains ? Started by: Natalie Hulston

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    Hi girls, sorry I’m asking a hundred & one questions!! But my drains have just stopped working but I’m due to get them off tomorrow morning I should be ok shouldn’t I ? Also if anybody has had them before do they hurt when removing them and what normally happens as it’s my 1 week post op check up xx

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    Chloe 122

    How long did u have them for? Im having drains…. Not looking forward to it, I thought they were out before u went home xx

    Lisa 24

    Have you gone with Mya? My drains were removed before I left the hospital X

    Stacey 496

    I’m sure there a different kind off drains ladies cos Natalia had a uplift aswell theses type are usually used for a week or so to make sure blood supplie keeps good around nipples xxx

    Rael 20

    If it has stopped, maybe contact MYA to let them know and ask them. I had different type of drains, but no it didn’t hurt when they were removed just a bit of discomfort x


    Hi girls, no I’m not with mya & im getting them removed this morning, got my first check up at 11am .. think there are a few different types of drains that different surgeons use tbh ! X

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