Dreaming about op !! Started by: Rachel

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  • Rachel -1

    My op is wed and nearly every night I’m having dreams about my new boobs and it’s not going as hoped, like they’re dropping to my feet and all falling out! Did anyone, or does anyone dream about they’re op? Xx

    Zoe W xx 2

    I had my op a week ago and dreamt about it every night for a week before! So weird haha! I used to wake up and feel my boobs and be like owwww don’t have them yet 🙁 haha!!! Xx


    Ive been dreaming about it almost every night and my ops not till the 10th of may! Im such a worrier though! My biggest fear is not waking up lol.. Or waking up half way through! Never had a general anesthetic before so have no idea what to expect xx


    I have a recurring dream where I have my surgery they cut my nipples into the shapes of a heart and a star, as im having a nipple lift! It’s soo strange! I also have a dream that I have the op and I only have one implant put in but strangely I love it! It’s our sub conscious laying overtime because its on our minds alot! Mine isn’t even till 23rd August!xx

    Misfion 3

    I had dreams about them too and they weren’t nice ones. ONe my incisions had split and for some reason i could see right inside, my implant had fallen out but i could see my kidney lol. No idea why!! I would’t know what a kidney looked like but pretty sure it isnt in my boob. And my boobs have turned out great – the incisions are most definitely closed ha ha 🙂 The brain does mental things when you are anxious about something. Good luck for your op babe, don’t worry about weird dreams, just think about fab boobies 🙂 xxx

    Rachel -1

    So glad I’m not alone haha, yes mine are reoccurring dreams about similar things that they’re falling out and saggy little apples and like my incisions are coming open and my insides are coming out the sides. Really messed up!! And it’s like everyday! Poor us!! Just feeling so nervous but excited for wed now. Admission time 8am. And to the other girls who’s ops aren’t for a bit yet, trust me it will be here in no time!!! Take it from experience lol xx

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