Dressing off – incisions! Started by: Amy

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  • Amy 19

    Just had my dressing off and finally seen my incisions at 9 days post op 🙂 nurse is happy with them and so am I 😀 I will upload photos once I’m home xx

    Samantha 1

    Hi Amy, Do you mind if I add you? I have my op in a couple of weeks 🙂 xx


    Ohh how exciting did it hurt?

    Amy 19

    thats ok hun i just accepted you 🙂 xx

    and it hurt a tiny bit pulling it off cos it was so stuck down hahaha but its fine now! i’ve just uploaded 2 pics 🙂

    Laura 13

    I had mine off at 8 days but had to have new dressing put on so didnt see them. Then today at 15 days i had them took off again and stitches trimmed but had to have steri strips put on again so still not seen em! Gotta keep these on fir 3 days then take ek off in shower and put new ones on for 3 days then hopefully thats it.

    Laura 13

    Your scars look really neat. Hope mine look that good.

    Amy 19

    thank you chick! they look abit gross at the min cos of all the dry blood but once that comes off they’ll look wicked 🙂 definitely wasn’t expecting them to look like that haha i was dreading looking at them but they’re so good 🙂 and how come you’ve had to have it on longer? 😮 i was expecting to have dressing put back on but i didn’t get given any?

    Laura 13

    Mine were still really raw at 8 days so she put another dressing on and since having that dressing on iv had blood on the sreri strips. So today when she took steri strips on she sed that they hav been bleeding and oozing but sed the incusions arnt open so put more steri strips on and has told me to take it really easy even tho i have been.

    Amy 19

    ahhh that could be why then! she said mine have gone together really well 🙂 i just wanna rub this blood off but don’t dare. also i’ve been given the go ahead for a shower now too, woooo 😀


    I’ve just taken changed the little strips I was given yesterday and looked at my scars for first time, was really shocked at how neat they are,just a little raised. It did make me feel woozy though so put new strips on, they are helping to stop my bra rubbing anyway. My right one is a bit more obvious at the min as my r boob is sitting slightly higher and tighter. Chuffed though x

    Laura 13

    I can hav shower in 3 days, just been having shallow baths.


    Oh I can’t wait for a shower I stink I haven’t gone anywhere just been in bed so haven’t tried to get washed or anything I hate not being able to have showers

    Amy 19

    @cher090414 i might see if i can get some strips from the pharmacy or something to put over mine to stop my bra from rubbing! i’m scared to move incase they pop open again ahaha xx

    oh god yeah that was the worst thing, i didn’t have a shallow bath til about 4 days i think it was cos i couldn’t get myself outta bed so i felt like a right sweaty b**tard! hahaha 🙁

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