driving after breast op Started by: Elizabeth Gent

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    I’m having my breast surgery on sunday this week, eek. excited and nervous at the same time. starting to think i have under-estimated the impact of the surgery. i live in the sticks and need to drive my kids to school which is 1min drive but i can’t walk them. do you think i will be able to do this 24hr after my operation?
    I’m going to be a day case and hoping its all straightforward.
    i also have a ski trip booked in february which is 8 weeks after surgery so I’m really hoping by then i will be ok with gentle exercise- not planning on going crazy on slopes but going to wrap myself up a lot so i don’t hurt myself. do you guys think 8 weeks should be ok for a bit of exercise??


    It’s unlikely you’ll feel well enough to drive just 24 hours after.
    I felt ok to do so by around day 4 and I’ve seen that’s pretty normal on here with other girls.
    It’s invasive surgery and you’ll have pain that soon after,it’s even difficult to get in and out of bed for the few couple of days x

    Kate 7

    Hey I’d check with mya as both my friend and I were advised we weren’t allowed to drive for two weeks minimum. If you crash you may not be covered insurance wise

    Millie-Rose 33

    I’m with Harley not MYA but they’ve said no driving for 2 weeks and no exercise for 3 months. I would advise against skiing. I had my surgery at 9am yesterday and definitely would not have felt okay to drive today!!!

    Clair Abbott 34

    I had my op three weeks ago. I tried to drive after two weeks and could not get in it 5th gear. So I left it another week. I drive a mini and it is heavy changing gear and steering.

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