Drop and fluff sure I'm shrinking :-( Started by: Nicole

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  • Nicole 1

    I’m 11 weeks post op! I’m sure in the last couple of weeks I have got smaller! I measure 32 dd at three weeks and check again at 7 weeks and was the same. The bras I bought fitted fine…now a couple of them seem a bit looser! I thought you were suppose to get bigger with time not smaller? I had partials and I have not lost weight.

    Anyone else experience this? Rippling is still there. I can feel every implant wrinkle in my cleavage but visibly I don’t think it’s got worse…just hope I haven’t jinxed myself by saying that!

    Kelly R

    I also feel like mine have gone smaller, canny gutted! Im about 11 weeks post op too and I’m not likeing the shape of mine they haven’t gone round underneath at all so goin bk in a couple of weeks to see what they say 🙁 x

    Nicole 1

    Yeah got my 12 post op appt next week! All I’ve heard is people saying they got bigger but it seems to be the opposite with me! My shapes ok just the rippling that’s not.

    kimbo 1

    hi nicole. i know what you mean, it’s pissing me right off. like you say everyone is saying that they are getting bigger and i know that i am not. SAD 🙁

    Nicole 1

    I’m gutted that no ones come forward yet to say they shrunk then got bigger!


    Mine didnt get bigger either. Theyve dropped and settled and now all the swelling is gone but definitely haven’t grown x

    Nicole 1

    Lol yours look big enough to me….fabulous Nina! @jealous 🙂

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