Dropped too soon? Started by: Tee

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  • Tee

    Only 13 days after Op and I feel they’re dropping too fast! Looking at other women’s pics and they still seem high at 2 weeks, worried they will get saggy in years to come? I’ve been wearing the recommended bra and currently wearing two just incase..

    375cc and 400cc was 36C before currently have no clue what size I am now…

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    gemma 47

    This reply has been reported for inappropriate content.

    Omg they look amazing xx

    Jane 4

    That look fantastic! I hope mine turn out like that! Congratulations xx


    Aww thank you, I was actually worried they didn’t look right, I’m forever looking at other women’s stories just to see if mine aren’t perky enough lol, thanks again and best of luck to you both xx

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 3 months ago by Tee.
    Anne 4

    Do you have overs or unders? If you have overs, they don’t drop the same way as under the muscle as there is nothing restricting them from “dropping” into place in the first place. With overs what you see within the first couple of weeks, is what you get- except for some swelling 🙂

    If you have under the muscle, perhaps you just have more relaxed chest muscles allowing them to drop quicker than others. I wouldn’t worry if I were you, as long as your pocket has been created well the implant will stay put and as you’re protecting your new investment, hopefully you fight gravity for as long as poss 😛

    Ps. You are looking great so far! I’m 4 weeks post op 455cc ultra high over the muscle. 🙂

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 3 months ago by Anne 4.

    Hi, yeah I’ve had under muscle dual planes, thanks for your advise, it’s much appreciated x

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