Early measuring. Started by: Molly

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  • Molly 8

    Hey Girls,
    so im 5 weeks on Friday & couldnt wait to be measured! So i popped in to Boux Avenue today…
    I didnt buy any bras so its all good, but im so happy!

    I had 350cc partials from 32B.
    I was measured today at 30F as apparently 32 is ridiculously too big?!?!
    I am over the moon& cant wait to go bra&bikini shopping!!!! ???
    Ive attached a picture, the bra was a non padded plunge ??(ignore the state of me ??)

    Best of boobs girls!xxx

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    Lauren 18

    wow you look amazing! happy for you!? can’t wait to get mine done, the bikini shopping is what I’m so excited for haha! how’s your recovery?xxx

    KatrinaK 19

    O it’s so exciting!! You look great I can’t wait to get measured and go bra and bikini shopping!! X

    Molly 8

    Hi girls, i know bikinis in the summer will be the best thing!!

    My recovery amazing!! Couldnt complain at all! My op was perfect! I was out and about the next day at a football match & the pub.. Lol. I was so careful& didnt drink because of meds. But was okay. Got a bit achy towards the end & my back aches of a night time but ive started sleeping on my side every now and then.. Have my 6 week op on wed ?? so will be hitting Bluewater straight after, fingers crossed.
    What are you going for Lauren? Do you know yet?
    Good luck girls & happy healing xxx

    Megan 6

    Hi Molly what profile did you have? ? Boobies look great btw! Soo excited to get measured properly but just have to be patient haha x

    Helen 111

    they look fab!! love the bra! i got measured at Victoria’s Secret today 4 weeks before my op and found out i am a 30C not a 32B like i thought (explains why my 32 and 34 bras don’t fit well!) cannot wait to be measured afterwards!! do you have any pain at all right now? im worried about the post op pain and the pins and needles i have heard about :/ xx

    Molly 8

    Hi Girls, thank you Megan!! I had 350cc HP. My frame wasnt wide enough for Moderates. I cant wait! Im going to be shopping as soon as i get paid tomorrow!!! How about you?
    Helen.. Honestly, sounds silly but dont worry! I was worried about that and i had as minimal pain as i could have possibly imagined. I had an amazing recovery & no pain at all right now. Competely back to normal. Im sleeping on my side now & feels perfectly normal. I didnt have any pins and needles at all. My nipples were numb for a while & below them too. Because obviously thats whwre theyre cut. But its near enough back now. Some peoples feeling doesnt ever come back, but tbh you dont notice it at all. If anything it helps because you cant feel the pain ? Youll be fine hun & im here, ill help with anything i can. Beat of luck girlss.

    Best thing ive ever done!!! ? xxxx

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