Help girls am getting more & more nervous as my op gets nearer. Having 340 unders with Kazzazi at Park hill. Starting to fret about silly things. Hate needles, dreading drains am a total whimp lol. Any tips on important things to take to hospital please 🙂 xx
Slippers, comfy pj’s for post op, a book/laptop to keep you busy, bottle of water for the journey home (I was soooo thirsty post op!!).
Hope all goes well for you.
Thank you Kylie. I really hope it goes well too. Cannot believe how nervous I am getting. Hope your recovery is going well Hun x
It all goes really quick when you get in the little room before they wheel you into theatre. They make you feel really at ease and it will be moments from getting in the room until you are fast asleep. Try not to worry you are in good hands x
Thank you for reassurance Emztee. If my new additions end up like yours I will be well chuffed 🙂 just want it to be over with now x
Ill be there with you, this is what we have been waiting for 😀 xxx
So glad we are able to get each other through this Kirsty. Thanks a million for all your support. Roll on Friday!! 🙂 x
You have been a great support to me, and I’m sure we will be to each other post op too 🙂
I loved my days Haha 2nd more than the 1st, I had overnight stay 2nd time and I don’t think I used any of what I took, I stayed in bed in the hospital gown they give you, there’s tv in the room to keep u occupied before the op, if your on day case remember loose front fastning top/jacket for journey home and water as kylie said I drank loads, cause your so dry. Also if your taking anyone take some snacks and drinks for them etc my partner spent so much money the first time in the cafe lol. Good luck you 2 you will both be fine xxx
Can I add you redbullqueen and kirsty? I’m in on 4th too – although up in Liverpool. x
Thanks Beckie for tips on the day & for all your advice & support so far am sure I will be pestering you post op as well lol hope all is well for you Hun? Kirsty yeah….you ain’t getting rid of me that easily lol hope to be long term buddies 🙂 x
boobie buddies forever haha!! X
And of course no0108, hope all goes well for you on Friday!! X
Have accepted you no0108 best wishes for Friday x
Thanks girls – I’ve got everything crossed for us. Going to put pics up next week – dreading the before ones though 🙂 x
Ahh thanks Hun. New Year new boobies for us all 🙂 yeah me too my before pics may be with top on too embarrassed x
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