Eeekkk Started by: Kate

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  • Kate 26

    Just been to the bank and been told money could be in the bank tomorrow :)just need to get over last hurdle-HUSBAND!!! Xx

    Rachel -1

    brilliant kate, u getting a loan? see, plans are starting to come together for u! bet u are buzzing xx


    Yay! Fab news, you’ll have it booked before you know it!:D keep us posted babe, xxx

    Kate 26

    Thank you,yes getting a loan.thamks Danielle hopefully tomorrow 🙂 xxx


    Fab! I can’t eat for that exciting money where I have all he money in my account!:D so pleased for you Hun xxx

    Kate 26

    Thank you Hun so much,I know how much u want urs too 🙂 love this forum all the girls are great xxx

    leigh taylor -4

    Don’t worry about the husband he will love your new boobies even more than you!!! X

    Kate 26

    That’s what I keep telling him,for some stupid reason think hes worrying I’m gonna do one after.bless him he supports me and knows I’m going to have them done anyway just think he’s having a but of a last min wobble xxx

    Rachel -1

    haha agreed @leigh!! xx

    Rachel -1

    yea dont worry kate, you know what men are like, they are still a little insecure – even if they pretend they’re not!!!! xx


    My man was the same before i went in. only a week later and he is loving it now!! They just get a little insecure!


    My boyfriend thinks the same he thinks im going to leave him now ive had my boobs done hes so silly he thought i was going to leave him after he took me on holiday 2 years ago and i never did, i wouldnt do that to somebody xx

    Kate 26

    Yes I agree Rachel,thanks Lisa I bet ur fella is 🙂 omg jasmine have you had yours done?where have I been 🙂 how u doing? I’m not going no where we’ve been together nearly 11 years wouldn’t do so happy can’t stop crying he’s just said I can go ahead xxx


    Oh Kate I’m soo eased for you! I haven’t stopped crying since I booked it!:D I’m such a wimp! 11 years wow! Xxx

    Kate 26

    Thank u Danielle its crazy isn’t it I don’t get emotional that much but when he said yes I just burst into tears,I won’t ever forget him giving me the go ahead,going to be alot easier doing it with his support.tes together 11 married for 4 in oct 🙂 Hun we are soon going to have boobs xxx


    Hi kate yes had mine done on sunday cant believe ive actually done it. I started haveing consultations in january and now i actually have them its gone so fast. I bet your so happy you can finally get them done 🙂 where you thinking of gettinig them done xx

    Kate 26

    Wow that has come round quick.i had my first consultation end jan time,I’m so happy Hun I’m so emotional at min god knows what ill be like when have them done they’ll prob want to put me I’m a padded room :).hoping to go with mya depending on what deal they can do,want dr traynor but if mya can’t do it ill have to go else where xxx

    Kate 26

    Do u mind if I added u Hun?xx

    Sophie1007 1

    My boyfriend now ‘licenses’ what I can/can’t wear!!! Lol they get so territorial! I love it 🙂 nice to have him on his toes for once lol x x


    Sophie…my man is already worrying about outfits etc….what r they like?

    Kate 26

    Haha yes I’m sure mine will be the same,well I hardly go out anyway lol.well iv been in contact with pc and now I won’t get as much money off as some people do but she’s going to work out a price and get bk to me xxx

    Sophie1007 1

    He makes a joke @Lisa about what I wear but I know he’s being serious lol. He’s ok though he’s taking me shopping for a dress tomorrow as were going out tomorrow night! 🙂 bless him. He has nothing to worry about I’m smitten as a kitten he just doesn’t want men thinking they can touch them because they’re fake! If any bloke even attempted to touch them I would drop kick them in the balls 🙂 haha x


    That sounds great kate good luck keep us posted, yes add me but i dont have any pics on coz my moibile isnt compatable with the laptop so wont let me put any pics on, all my boob pics are on my mobile xxx

    Kate 26

    Haha Sophie that did make me lol,I’d do exactly the same Hun if a bloke tried to touch mine, I’m having mine done for me and my husband nobody all sorted going to ring and put my depo down shortly xxx


    I know what u mean. @sophie1007….just because they are fake it doesn’t mean anyone can have a grope, we have a party to go to,on Saturday too but I am still so bloated god knows what I will wear!

    Sophie1007 1

    You must be so so excited :):) it’s honestly the best feeling ever and once you have them your hubby will be ll over you! 🙂 hope it all goes well x x

    Kate 26

    I were excited last night now I feel petrified lol xxx

    Rachel -1

    haha @sophie love it!! aw kate its exciting times isn’t it! im having trusty mr t in like 13 days! very very excited, but obviously a little nervous! so whats the plan of action for u now then???? now that you’ve got the green light from the other half xx

    Kate 26

    Rachel its so exciting now iv got over the shock of getting a date so soon.u must be so excited too keep us up to date on how it goes.i have now secured my date 1st may omg 18 days tomorrow :)xxx

    Rachel -1

    omg!!!! thats not long at all! exciting, just a few days after me 🙂 yea really looking forward to it, like you, i’ve wanted this for so long. so your having mr t then? whats was it he’s offered u again? whos your PC? xx

    Kate 26

    No its not I were so shocked that it were so quick 18 days tomorrow 🙂 so happy for u Hun can’t wait to hear how u get on.i first saw dr schiavone but wanted 2nd opinion wanted mr t originally but so far away from me.but after meeting mr t me and hubby agreed hes man for the job. U know what can’t remember sizes but think the biggest was pc is wanda from Birmingham clinic as that’s where I originally went she’s lovely,which hospital u at?xxx

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