Emergency number – Dr Anna De Leo – London Started by: Nicky

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  • Nicky

    Girls did anyone get the emergency number on their paper work as I don’t and need to talk to them?!
    I’m 10 days post op and something just don’t feel right with my Left Boob…
    It’s ridiculously bigger than the other side and I can basically move the whole implant over and I get a horriable sharp pain through nipple and under where my scar is…
    It’s so weird but I can’t do that with the right side that’s fine.

    I had a check up a week after surgery but had no other contact at all with MYA

    I had 370cc in both and under the muscle all done in London my next app is 1st March 2023

    Photo of my scars 6 days post opp 🤢
    And the other 2 are 8 days post opp ans u can see the size difference!!

    • This topic was modified 2 years ago by Nicky.
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    Stacey 2

    Hey! I wouldn’t worry too much about the difference, I had 375 in my left and 400 in my right and at the moment, my left still looks bigger than my right lol!! I’m two weeks post op and this is completely normal, your boobs will drop and fluff and develop at different rates altogether. They’re also still going to be sore and tender so my guess would be that’s where the pain is coming from, I’ve had a lot more pain in my left side than my right. I’m no expert as I’m only two weeks in myself but reading others stories and speaking to nurses etc I think it’s normal. Completely understand the anxiety though, I keep looking at mine hoping the right will have caught up magically and suddenly haha! 🙂

    The out of hours number is 0345 270 2173

    Hope this helps xx


    Thank you hun that makes me feel a bit better… What do your scars look like? And what surgeon did u have x

    Stacey 2

    My scars are healing ok I think; again my left is much more scabbed over and looks so much more sore than my right! It also looks a good inch or so longer which I was confused about because I’m not sure if this is a stupid thing to say but that’s the side I had the smaller implant haha?

    How are you feeling now? Did you speak to the out of hours team? X


    I totally get what ur saying and I’m kinda the same altho mine are the same size implants… I spoke to someone who then said they’d call back but didn’t ended up calling again and having to send photos over via email and told everything is completely fine and any concerns I have to discuss at my next appointment in March 😳 x

    Stacey 2

    It’s strange isn’t it!! I think it’s a case of you have to trust the process but I’m so impatient haha I just want them to be settled and finished now! Keep having to remind myself that I’m literally only three weeks post op today and still a long way to go.
    Maybe they find it easier to have you send pictures so they can see what you mean? How is the pain now? I’ve got my six week appointment 24th feb, my scars are starting to look less scabbed over but one is definitely bigger than the other and the same with my left boob being bigger still lol xx

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