Ever heard of your body rejecting the implants? Started by: Emma

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  • Emma

    My friends a mont post op and all down the side of he right boob is all numb she has been told its rejected the implant and has to have them done again. I have never heard of this and hope i doesn’t happen to me she said she’s lost all feeling but I’m sure there’s a possibility that can happen anyways? Xx


    Just found this….

    REJECTION is an immune mediated response in which our body recognizes something as foreign and then mounts an attack to remove it.

    Breast implants (either saline or silicone filled) are made of a silicone shell which in thousands of studies has been shown NOT to elicit an immunological rejection response. NO implant in the history of human existence has been more intensely studies than breast implants; it has been more studied than heart valves, pacemakers, artificial vessels, joints and all other implants.

    Like all operations breast augmentation does have some risks associated with it, but rejection is NOT one of them.

    Hope that helps hun xxx


    Oh that’s helpful thanks il show her, she’s not gone through mya but that’s what she’s been told that cps she’s lost feeling in the side of her boob its regected the implant and needs to be removed xx


    Loosing the feeling could be a number of things. It could be that her nerves where damaged a lot when the surgeon was making the pocket and they are taking a long time to repair. It could also be from the surgery itself.

    I had my son by c section 4 years ago and still have no feeling on my lower stomach.


    Francesca -1

    It’s probably just nerve damage, never heard of implants rejecting before due to what they’re made of xx

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