Excited but scared .. Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    I have got my pre-op and surgeon consultation next week and I’ve also booked my op date for 19th feb!

    Defiantly too excited!!
    how are you post op girls feeling though? I’ve read a few bits that have scared me a little and worried me like the fact I won’t be able to reach over my head or could have trouble dressing myself .. I am going back to work the week after the op i hope this improves by then!!

    kelly 1

    Everyone is different but I’m not gonna lie I had mine done yesterday and my. Pain was that bad they kot me in, I came home earlier today, I had 340cc unders which is why it’s more painful, unders muscle… But I’m so so glad I had it done, feel free to add me and comment on my pictures let me know what u think.. Don’t be scared best thing I’ve ever done


    Can I add u Kelly.. I’m having unders x

    kelly 1

    Yes no problem xxx


    Everyone is different Hun. I had my BA on Monday and haven’t had much pain atall, it’s more like discomfort when trying to sit or lie comfortably. I’m 3 days PO and I can lift my arms up quite high, I’m fine dressing myself, just not anything over the head at the moment. To be honest I haven’t tried washing my hair yet, gonna give it a go tomorrow lol.
    I was expecting way worse if I’m honest, however everyone is gonna be different. Unders take longer to heal and I’ve heard are more painful, what are you having? xx


    I am the same as Jess the pain has been fairly good, discomfort defo tho, I can lift my arms quite high and keep having to remind myself not too, My chest is heavy and the strapping is peeing me off but nothing drastic, I feel a little light headed dizzy on the meds but just rest and keep mobile every now and again and it seems to be okay, tiredness is a killer but I do love my sleep lol, everyone is different, I had overs as well xx


    I am not sure yet going to see my surgeon next week was thinking I would prefer unders but not so sure anymore and I didn’t realise that they do partials too.
    Any of you guys no if you had saline, silicone or cohesive gel? I know am having CUIs but don’t no if they do all three types and
    Did any of you have Mr Traynor? X

    I will add u now Kelly xx

    kelly 1

    Yet I can lift both arms right up high as normal, so weird that I seemed to suffer so bad that the nurses Said it wasn’t normal and patients usually go home after. Few hours, yet I had to stay in when I wasn’t meant to, yet today can lift my arms walk and boobs are nice and soft .. Can’t complain just dyin to see them properly but gotto wait til Wednesday uhhh

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