Exercise – Pole/Climbing/chest exercise/similar Started by: Lydia

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  • Lydia 85

    Almost 10wpo and have just started back at pole this evening. Thought I’d start off slow but the sensation when I did my first spin was horrible! Almost like friction with the muscle moving/contracting over the implant. I got used to it after a while but I’m just wondering did anyone else get this when they started out? Does it last forever and we just get used to it? I’m not worried if it does, would just like to hear off someone to put my mind at ease. If it’s anything abnormal then I’ll stop immediately!! xx

    Mae 79

    I’m 13wpo and tried doing some sprints last week on the treadmill and they felt weird!
    Think it’s just gunna take time to get used to and ease the muscles back in! Xx

    Klzz 11

    I teach fitness classes over 20 a week I hope I’m ok when I go back to work ????

    Susan 51

    Im 12 weeks and started back doung lite weights at 6 weeks, listen to your body and build up, im doing most things now except pressups flies and heavy wights… im absolutely fine x

    Lydia 85

    Thanks everyone. I think I might leave it for another few weeks and try something else instead to get used to it! x

    Rachel 15

    Lydia I do pole fitness too and I’m dreading my first invert after my BA in Jan! I can imagine it to be so weird. Think I’m going to build myself up on weights gradually in the gym too x

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