I’ve had surgery today with Andrea and WOW my research and onlinervird and recommendations paid off . He showed me a post surgery photo from his camera before any bruising and swelling kicked in-which unfort I look like I’ve been in th ring in mike Tyson! However my nose WOW amazing I have a small nose but it’s long he reduced the ever so slight bump lifted the tip corrected the bend to the left similar to howyou explain yours and made my nostrils smaller this is my first procedure being knocked out….my firs tcosmetic surgery and I have nothing but amazing things to say about this man-very thorough from the off set, very precise, accurate and met my expectations if not more I have a week now until my splint and bandages are removed the only part I’d say that is very uncomfortable is I can not breathe from my nose as my nose is packed it’s very uncomfortable but pain is minimal and they will be removed in two days. My advice….DO IT!