extra high profile partials Started by: sam

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  • sam

    any one had these? if possible could you add me so I can see pics not seen hardly any girls with extra high profile and i’m scared as thats what i’m having haha xxx

    Laura -1

    What size implant are you having again Sam? The implant profile will usually be down to a result of your BWD and also the look you desire, I no you want natural looking breasts, but trust your PS there will be a good reason he’s chosen to go with that implant 🙂 xxx


    BWD?? he didnt measure me at all or touch my breast to see what tissue is there though :/ i said natural but no one on here seems to have extra high ??? xxx

    Laura -1

    BWD = Breast width Diameter, I.e if you had 600cc size implant and only had a slim frame they wouldn’t give you Moderate +profile as it would give you way too much side boob and they’d be very close together…….Strange he didn’t measure you Hun??, I have extra high profile babe 🙂 xxx


    Hey hun, I had 445cc TRX unders on Friday. What size did you agree with your surgeon? Xxx


    Oh ok…he did meaure diagonally from my chst to nipple but not around my back and didnt check my breast tissue or feel what i had as I still produce milk also which ive told him but im not sure if what ive got in there is just milk ducts or tissue which concerns me that the implant will stimulate more milk and then i’ll have abnormal looking boobs lol….I agreed DD and im currently wearing a 34a but in width of my breast would probably be a B but i’m too empty to wear a B cup if you see what i mean which surgeon did you have again cheryl? xxx

    Laura -1

    They don’t measure around your back they just measure your breasts themselves well that’s what he did on me lol I’m just going by that…….How long has it been since you stopped BF’ing ? I honestly think you will look great…..and you won’t get abnormal boobies lol I had him as my PS and he’s done a superb job, he really know’s what he’s doing you are in safe hands babe I promise 🙂 xx


    Stopped breastfeeding my little girl 13 months ago!! never dried up between children, ever since having my first child almost 8 yrs ago. Breastfed my first for 18months…and my breasts have been still able to squirt milk since :/ even though they are flat….. yer I trust him I think just really over anylising…AGAIN lol xxxx


    I had Dr schiavone and really happy with the results so far. I know what you mean hun, after breast feeding my deflated 34b. Did he say what cc you are having? The surgeons are brilliant at knowing what will suit your frame and give you the look you wish to achieve, I’m glad I listened to mine I know I’m only 3 days po but I’m over the moon with his work. Who is your surgeon babe? Xxx

    Laura -1

    Really bloody hell I was gonna say they say your OK to go ahead with BA after 3 months that’s mad that you still squirt Milk Lol You are 😛 BUT I was EXACTLY the same as you, it drove my fella mad lol…but he is good babe, you are most certainly in good hands! 😀 😀 xxx

    lianne23 1

    I had extra hight profile Hun, add me if u like x


    thankyou hun ive added you x

    tai -1

    Hi I was wondering If you could add me I’m getting extra high profile implants on 5th Aug, between 310-340 cc overs and I want a natural look also but I’ve not seen any extra high profile boobies to get a visual in my head Of what mine cld look like – if that makes sense.

    in fact, I keep looking at too many Internet boobies and I’ve become a bit boob crazy lol trying to figure out what mine could possibly look like. I just worry ill end up with tennis balls under a sheet lol :-/ though I do know I’ve chose the best surgeon for me I’m still worried. xxx


    Im having extra high partial unders 615… On July 23rd… Not helpful till I get them done though sorry

    Jessica 1

    I had extra high partials x

    Jessica 1

    I got extra high partials, 340cc x

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