Extra worried! BWD is 17 been offered small diameter implants?? Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    Hi girls! Went for a consultation and I was happy with the implant sizes and profile the surgeon gave me , 400cc HP over the muscle.

    However after the consultation I have been doing extra research and have found something called BWD? Mine is 17 according to my surgeon.

    Now everyone is saying you have to have between 1 cm either way of the diameter of the breast compared to the implant , but 400cc is within the 12cm range and my breasts at 17cm ??????

    Worried that I’m goig to end up with 2 balls on my chest so far apart? But the don’t so implants of 17cm width 🙁

    A picture below is what my breast look like now, anyone think 400 HP will look stupid??


    Won’t let me upload

    Louise 90

    Hey! Haven’t had my surgery yet but I’ve used this chart to help me determine my bwd and what size I should go for, hope it helps you! But your surgeon will know best xx

    Louise 90

    He definitely knows what he’s doing however I’m just so confused by it al, people of my breast size are staying they are getting offered mod + for a wider base but that was not offered to me


    And according to that chart I’d have to go for 750 mod+ ???? that’s huge!

    Louise 90

    Yeah I’ve had a look at the chart and I’m sure that wouldn’t be right for you lol! When’s your surgery booked for ? Maybe ask for a second appointment before hand just so you can voice your worries and he can explain further why he choose what he did and exactly what it will achieve to put your mind at rest!xx

    Gemma B 95

    I’m having the same worries, my BWD is 12cm, the implant I’ve been offered is 10cm. I’m seeing the surgeon again next week, are you seeing the surgeon again? xxx

    Gemma B 95

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    You can find the measurements for the mentor implants on this website –



    Yeah girls I’m seeing him again however it’s a month away ! I’m just worrying that I’m not going to get the results that I want as the implant is 5cm smaller then my breast width? I’m so confused and anxious haha

    Louise 90

    Yeah from the charts we are showing you it is along the lines of 700-800cc that is says will fit your bwd, but that does sound huge!! But I suppose it would fit your breast better, you don’t want to be left with the tennis ball affect that all the girls dread! I’m sure you’ll love your results and he’s chosen what’s right, but I know the feeling when you can’t help but worry!!x


    It just doesn’t sound right at all does it … hmmmm

    Laura 143

    My bwd is 15 an i had the same as u 400cc so 12 cm. Im having revision so i wanted to go up in width as much as possible but staying with high proflile an he nipped my skin on the inner an outa part of the breast an said theres a good few cm of your own tissue on either side so it doesnt have to be any wider. Im having 500cc this time so will be going up 1cm to 13cm an he said thats fine. My revision is nothing to do with the size or anything just changing them while im having revision for a few other issues x


    Hi Laura, do they look natural ? I’m scared of this ‘ ball effect ‘ I still think 5cm is s little bit too much

    Laura 143

    They do, well one does lol i had 1 that didnt drop for some unknown reason but mine are unders so it could of been my muscle holding it too tight but the one tjat settled properly looks fine an natural definitely not a ball on chest x


    Hi my BWD 17cm and the biggest I was offered was 600cc HP which is still too small for my BWD could have Mod plus but that’s still about 1cm smaller but I like the projection of HP, they do say if you have a large gap before you can’t change that it’s just your body’s anatomy, mod plus can help the appearance of the gap look smaller but not much if your gap is too large naturally xx

    lala111 79

    My bwd is 13 and i had 275 hp which measure 10.9 and i have the tennis ball effect. Please dont have an implant that measures anything less than 1 cm than Your bwd. My difference was 2.1 cm and its huge


    I know Lala I get what your saying and this is why I’m concerned however there is no implant the size of 17 xx

    lala111 79

    Why dont you consider moderate or low profile so that the implant wont look big? If they spread across your bwd without much projection then they may look ok even if they are 700cc, they would cover your bwd width but wont project so much to give the giant look. Double check with your surgeon and let us know what he thinks

    Stacey 498

    There’s other factors that go into along side your bwd Hun I wouldn’t worry your sugoen will know what’s best for you if your unhappy with that decision go back and talk it thru with him a bigger implant could end up giving you a different problem Hun best talking it thru with you sugoen xxx


    I’ve picked a great surgeon and I’m sure he knows what’s best for my frame ext however I can’t help but worry after reading things online! I’m seeing him again on the 12th March to discuss everything , thanks girls x

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