extreme pain Started by: stacey

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  • stacey

    hi girls, so I think I have done some damage to my left breast, I had unders and have pulled my scar a few times over the past two weeks….but yest morn I had a really bad pain in my incision site every time I took a step and everytime my inner arm touched my boob, I rang the nurse as I think ive ripped my internal stitches..she said I prob done some trauma and to keep an eye on my boob and incision site…..has anyone done this and recovered ok? when does the pain stop? I have three children …youngest is 9 months and a home to run…. my right boob is absolutely fine, soft and near on healed….not much pain at all….my left is a little harder…extremely painful and more lumpy at the scar site 🙁 x

    Nicole 1

    Ooh hope u feel better soon and get it sorted!

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