Extremely scared and nervous. To go ahead Started by: Leanne

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  • Leanne

    Hey everyone. I’ve got the money together for a breast enlargement. I’m currently a 34 aa. I’ve wanted bigger boobs since I was 16. I’m now 32. I’ve had 2 children and my breasts are just way too small and don’t even sit nice anymore. I’ve been so excited about this up until I’ve got the money and ready to book my consultation and now I’m terrified. I’m scared of how much pain I’ll be in after. I suffer from back pain particularly worse at night so worried about the first 2 weeks sleeping. Worried incase anything goes wrong with them and also the whole having to either have them replaced or removed years down the line maybe I’m just over thinking and worried because I’m at the stage of being able to get them done after so long. Could anyone help with how long recovery was and after they have healed. Do they feel tight on your chest? Do they feel strangely heavy at all?

    Sophie 17

    Hi Leanne. Are you thinking of having under or over the muscle? I am one week post op and so far the recovery has been fairly easy, the worst part for me is lack of sleep as you can’t sleep on your side! This does create some back pain. I was terrified of the anaesthetic but the nurses at the hospital (I went to Preston) were amazing, I can’t speak highly enough of them as well as my surgeon Mr Giannas. For the first 3 days I was more sore than in pain, although I kept dosed up with paracetamol, codeine and ibruprofen. Day 4/5 the incisions just felt sore but again I wouldn’t say painful. The results are definitely worth it! I had under the muscle so I have a breast band which feels tight but it’s not totally uncomfortable. As long as you have help from someone for the first few days you will be fine. Btw I was 34A before and have had 375cc in the right, 330cc in the left teardrop under the muscle, they look so natural already. Don’t yet know what size I am as I am not fully healed of course, and no they do not feel heavy! Feel free to private message me if you have questions xxx

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