Eyelid Surgery – My Story Started by: jryanmyachairman

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    I arrived at the Manchester hospital at 7.30am Monday morning feeling reasonably relaxed. Having been in cosmetic surgery since the mid-1970s I was embarking on my first cosmetic treatment some 33 years later. Throughout my career in cosmetic surgery I have remained rather shame-faced when saying I have had nothing done at all. At least I can now answer positively that I have had a blepharoplasty, which is an operation to move the excessive skin over my upper eyelids.

    The receptionist was very bright and cheery and gave me a form to fill in with my basic details.
    After reading the paper for a few minutes I was taken to room. I was first seen by the lady from the kitchen and ordered food that I could eat later in the day.

    Then I was seen by a very pleasant nurse who took my blood pressure. She remarked with that reading that I must be feeling very relaxed to say I was about to undergo an operation.

    Well, I

    fiona 1

    Mr Ryan – it’s great to read your story as the Chairman of MYA, it’s particularly interesting to read about someone’s experience who actually works in the industry and for MYA. I recently had a breast augmentation with Mr Singh, I am extremely happy with the results. I had a fantastic experience with MYA and will not hesitate to recommend MYA to friends and family.

    Thanks for sharing your story!




    How refreshing to hear of the main founder of the company who has had surgery themselves! Last week Dr Chantasarak and his team performed a tummy tuck and one week later I am pleased with the results. Am even going to be having a BA 12+ months down the line! Can’t wait.
    Thank you for sharing your story with us ladies! Not many men talk about surgery – being had it or wanting it! Makes a nice change to know that there are men out there who are happy to share their experiences!



    Well regarding | jryanmyachairman | story, where’s the rest of it?

    what was the result ,compared to the before & after?

    or has some of his post been removed?



    As we age, excess skin forms in the eye area, and the skin loses elasticity. Fatty tissue can accumulate under the skin. Your eyes will “look older” because these aging processes leave the eyes appearing tired, wrinkled or puffy. Even with good skincare and eyecare, wrinkles, puffiness and drooping eyelids will catch up to you. Genetic factors and body chemistry can cause these aging effects in younger people. Plastic surgery may restore a youthful and refreshed appearance to your eyes.



    nose right


    Thanks for sharing your story.


    It sounds like quite the experience! The positive atmosphere from the cheery receptionist and your relaxed demeanor is reassuring. The meticulous care, from prepping details to ordering food, reflects a thoughtful process. Wishing you a smooth and comfortable recovery as you embark on this new chapter in your cosmetic journey!

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by chandler.
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