Fainting??! :(:( pre op tomorrow Started by: Abi

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  • Abi 7

    Girls please help!

    I am under investigation for fainting although I haven’t fainted in over a year!
    I have my pre op tomorrow and my surgery date is booked for 2 weeks time I’m panicking in case they won’t go through with it 🙁

    Has anybody had anything like this? Please tell me il be ok!

    Kayleigh 38

    youll be fine hun honestly! i was so nervous , the day went so quick and i really enjoyed it! id do it all over again tomorrow! 🙂 you’ve got nothing to be scared about xx


    They will most likely do you as one of the first ops they said to me they out the high risk first- they won’t refuse they can’t not give someone surgery it’s money for their business just like any other surgery people need they will just take percausions to make sure you are safe throughout the process. Good luck Hun x

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